It makes sense for it to be creepy if you’re asking someone online, but sometimes I just wanna hang with someone without making them drive an hour. Is there a way that sounds not creepy to ask where people live.

  1. Try to gain trust , than ask questions about whats fun about the place they live in and what fun activities or special food they have tried from their . Talk about ur place n stuff . Dont ask to hangout to soon . If they r uncomfortable just wait for them to bring it up.

  2. I would probably just ask if they live near (insert area you live). That way they can just say yes/no or give you a vague idea of distance rather than an exact location.

  3. I would ask IF they want to hangout first….and IF they say yes, then confirm locations (“so how far are you from me – I’m in _ _ _”) and then let them respond

    Leaping to “where do you live” before actually having a rapport IS creepy.

  4. Idk, I used to have many online friends and one of the first things we always talked about was where we were from but we all had a niche interest so we trusted each other more. I would maybe suggest getting to know them a bit more first before asking this question and it won’t seem that creepy. Even tho, I for example, wouldn’t think anything of it let alone find it creepy.

  5. Thread. Basically talk about yourself using a story element and include where you live in your answer. Then ask them what part of town you coming from. It comes off Natural

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