For 10 years my wife hid an affair that I knew was takimg place .
She is a closet narcissist and during the 10 years it took me to get to the bottom of it she destroyed me.
She turned friends against me saying i was crazy & they bought it… i was off.

I did 2 tours in combat and am a disabled Marine so she used PTSD as an excuse.

She threatened to take my kids, turned them against me, her family thought i was abusive, i lost my job because finding the truth to vindicate myself consumed me.

She literally turned everyone against me to hide an affair with a convicted child rapist named MichaelCoryKrager
I can honestly say the only thing that kept him from a 7.62×51 to his grape is that he was in another state.

She had so much bullshit internet stuff out there to make me crazy and i resent her for this so much.

The affair has been done and its not about that its about what she did to conceal it.

Weve been married 24 years and have two kids.

I dont know what to do

  1. By the sounds of it, she isn’t willing to change. Maybe gather evidence then distance yourself from her. It doesn’t sound like a happy marriage and it sounds like she doesn’t have any respect for you. If you have the financial means, use the evidence to file a divorce and fight for custody of your kids. In my opinion, therapy would be a waste of money at this point. Good luck

  2. Sounds like the last 10 years could have been better spent. I’m sorry for your grief, but now it’s time to move on and get yourself into therapy.

  3. Leave. It sounds like neither of you particularly love or respect each other. Living like that is not good for your mental health, not good for hers and it’s not good for the kids.

    Your self esteem is destroyed and I would guess that’s the reason why you haven’t left already. But seriously life gets better and this is far less than you deserve.

    Also the courts have seen this kind of thing before. If you haven’t done anything wrong slander by your soon to be ex wife and her family will hold limited weight.

  4. You don’t know what to do about your wife’s decades long affair with a child rapist she likely brought her friends around and who s made you out to be the devil to everyone? Because it’s pretty darn obvious what you need to do.

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