I have a desperate fantasy I want to make real: have my husband take me to a bar and finger fuck me while we sit together, or better yet get me on his lap and penetrate me while we’re talking to random people.

Is there a way to do this without winding up arrested and without going to a sex club? Perhaps a nightclub environment?

  1. Ask him. You’ll have to be very concious of your voice and body language so you don’t give the game away.

    I have used remote controlled vibrators on my submissives when in public. That’s always fun for both of us.

  2. Wanna do this and absolutely not at all get in any trouble nomatter how obvious you are?

    Go do it at a sex club. Many have areas set up as a night club and a separate area for play but no firm rules on what activites are allowed where. Something like that would be pretty tame for a place like that.

  3. This might be as simple as wearing a skirt or dress and grabbing a table in a corner somewhere. Sit on his dominant side so that your back is to the room while he faces the opposite direction. Then you two will look like you’re just having a nice chat while he goes to town on you, and he can keep an eye out for people approaching you two.

    Actual penetration is a LOT harder. For that, sex club with a dance floor is probably best, but check the rules first. Some clubs have strict rules about playing in open spaces.

  4. Have you entertained the idea of mobile controled toys? Him controlling something inside you while at the bar could be very easy to do.

  5. The fingering is easily ancievable. I have done it myself. Just gotta find a seat where the table and his body are positioned in such a way there is no line of sight of his hand. (Corner table with you on the inside/wall seat). You two have to act very naturally when it comes to body language, namely facial expressions, voice tone and his arm not showing that the hand is in active duty. If positioned and done properly, it should just look like he’s with his hand on your thight.

    For the sitting, I can’t speak by experience, but it seems a little trickier. Maybe a long skirt and a lot of practice, and it also depends on both of your physical characteristics.

  6. As a former bouncer and head of bar security, I’m advising that you don’t do this in a night club or bar you will be throw out at best, probably banned, and potentially have cops called for indecency. Go to a sex club.

  7. Totally possible.

    Wear a long coat or sweater as a top layer and then a floaty dress or skirt underneath that can hang down around his arm/hand while it’s up in you. This helps distract wondering eyes from realizing your pants are hiked down or your skirt is hiked up and instead just looks like his hand could be in your lap or not noticeable at all.

    Find a corner where you can be the couple who can’t keep their hands off each other but in a fairly public way. This is usually enough “hiding in plain sight” for people to see you don’t want to be bothered but not assume anything other than making out and canoodling is happening because…who would do something like that so out in the open?!?!? 😏

    A well placed purse or bag can also help to provide a shield from some angles as well.

  8. Skirt, no undies, stand in front of him at the bar with him on the seat. He will do a reach around and this way you are blocked in front from bar and his body and chair blocks the rest. Also, loose pants works if he goes down from top. Sometimes that is easier as the skirt has to hike. Also, crowded places wotk out great too. Standing up making out in corner area and he simply slips his hand down your pants. Most are too occupied to notice plus if u are making out most dont want to be that person to stare in your direction. No one will call cops as u r not exposing yourself. At worst someone might say get a room. Just repsond with already did, this room. 😉

  9. Just keep in mind, you are not near as subtle as you think you are when you are in the moment. One of my ex-gfs had this same fantasy and decided to mention it when we were at a crowded concert. She was wearing a shirt skirt and no panties, so she came prepared. I entered her from behind during the show and it was hard to hide. Within a minute or two people around us noticed, but at that point we didn’t care. Embarrassing as hell after, but 10/10, would do it again.

  10. Just keep in mind, you are not near as subtle as you think you are when you are in the moment. One of my ex-gfs had this same fantasy and decided to mention it when we were at a crowded concert. She was wearing a short skirt and no panties, so she came prepared. I entered her from behind during the show and it was hard to hide. Within a minute or two people around us noticed, but at that point we didn’t care. I finished inside her and she had cum running down her leg. Embarrassing as hell after, but 10/10, would do it again.

  11. Get a few drinks inside of you and just make sure you are in a corner stall or table and ask him to do it. Then go home after and have that GOOD DRUNK NASTY SEX after!

  12. I want to be fucked randomly in a bar bathroom. Bent over while my hair is pulled. Having to be quiet 🫢🤤

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