How many others study different countries and cultures around the world?

  1. I wouldn’t say I study them, but I enjoy watching documentaries that show life/culture/food in other places.

  2. All the time! I read more or less 10-50 history, politics and anthropology books in a year year. I mostly focus on east Asia just because it’s not what I grew up with but every few books I’ll get a book on another region of the world.

    I love learning about other people, it helps me for a lack of better words understand more about who they are. It’s also one of the reasons why I’ve ended up spending roughly half of my adult life overseas and will probably continue doing so. Because I love interacting with other cultures, learning about them and just interacting with them.

  3. Not really studying about them but I love learning about them during my travels

  4. I am learning German, took a year in college and forgot most of it so I’m slowly relearning it through Duolingo. I really enjoy reading about the time periods of Western Europe and the Scandinavian countries between the 800s to the Renaissance.

  5. It really study, but I work in a global company and communicate with colleagues all over the world every day.

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