How has your body changed throughout your 20’s?

  1. I’ve put on a little bit of weight, but that is about it. I guess I look a bit older, but I’m still a bit babyfaced.

  2. Slowing metabolism and slowly gained more weight. Really hard to lose it. As a short 5’1, the extra 10-15 lb really shows on me (went from size 4 to an 8) and I easily fluctuate between +/-3 lbs depending on the time of the monthly.

  3. My 20s was when I had my children: first pregnant at age 22 and last child delivered at age 28. So, my body went through a lot of changing and changing back. However, my main body type has remained the same. I’ve had the same body since I was 18 (except when pregnant).
    I have gained roughly 5lbs in the last year due to quitting cigarettes but I’m good with that.

  4. I permanently fucked up my metabolism by restricting my calories when I was 22, so now I’m chubbier than I was before. But I also love and accept my body way more than I did when I was starving myself.

  5. When I was 21 I could survive on cold pizza and vodka, party till 4am, and still be at work the next morning. Now, if I have half a white claw, I get overheated at night and don’t sleep. Metabolism? What metabolism? I can’t bend down without my joints sounding like I just poured a bowl of rice crispies.

  6. I’m 34 now, probably in the best shape of my life and 15lbs lighter than I was in my early 20s. I used to be really sedentary but now I run or strength train basically every day. I definitely feel and look 100x better! Otherwise, no other major body changes yet.

    As an interesting side note, I was reading a study done about metabolism and apparently they don’t actually slow down until you reach your 60s. It was a really comprehensive study of 6800 people with their metabolisms measured with doubly-labeled water (the best industry standard). Toddlers have the highest metabolisms, which then settle downwards between age 5-20, then metabolism stays stable between age 20-60, then slowly declines until, well, death. Lifestyle changes (becoming less active, relying on takeout/fast food) are usually the culprit of weight gain after age 20. Interesting stuff.

  7. Compared to when I was 18, I look almost exactly the same. I’m about the same weight as I was back then and my face hasn’t changed at all. The only noticeable difference is my hair, which has gotten darker.

  8. my periods have changed a little bit towards the end of my 20s.

    i’ve never been over 110lbs, but since i had more time to dedicate to long hikes and backpacking, i do have a little more muscle than in my early 20s.

  9. Just turned 31 and my metabolism’s definitely slowing down. I’ve always been a tiny girl but I’m starting to keep weight on for once. I’ve also discovered that alcohol just RUINS me now. Had 4 beers over a 6-7 hour period last week and it took me 2 days to recover from that.

  10. Metabolism slowed so the same amount of exercise and food results in a larger body. Not looking after myself when I was younger (physically and mentally) has now caught up with me causing back pain, being referred to drs for arthritis, being diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines and somehow having a weaker immune system. But my smile is brighter and I’m more comfortable in my own skin.

  11. I was underweight in my 20’s due to pretty severe body dysmorphia and constant dieting. I’m 34 now and I’m still fit and thin but I’m not sickly. My boobs got a little bigger and I don’t look malnourished.

  12. I’m only turning 23 this week, but I was recently able to lose the weight I put on over the last two years of covid (~7kg) so I’d say it’s changing for the better.

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