I(24 M) have had a crush on a girl for a while. We met at work but we no longer work together (nothing bad happened she just left the place I work at)I’ve tried to talk to her over social media and text by replying to things she posts or just sending her Snapchats/messages but what usually happens is I get left on ”delivered” or ”sent” for hours/days at a time. I have gotten left on read/opened too but I have also left her on open and that’s much less common then getting left on delivered. She has expressed interest in hanging out with me in person(and we did hang out once) which confuses me as to why she is so unresponsive over the phone.
Today I got sick of constantly being left on delivered/sent so I just deleted her from my social media. Was this too drastic did I ruin the chance of a continued friendship?

  1. Yes. If someone removes me from social media it is a clear message they have no interest in me, much less talking or hanging out with me.

  2. I think you’ve done good. If anything, it stops you worrying about her answering your messages.

  3. as someone who can also be pretty unresponsive through text even if im interested/want to talk to people i think you should add her back… maybe play it off as an accident or something if she asks. try to initiate hanging out in person, some people are just not really up for texting and it might not be anything personal. good luck:)

  4. If interactions with her (or the lack of responses from her) has given you so much stress and anxiety, maybe it’s not worth it. Maybe you did screw up any chances of hanging out with her but maybe it’s for the best.

  5. Were you direct with her? Did you tell her that you wanted to date her? Did you ask her out? Say… “hey let’s meetup for drinks”

  6. >Today I got sick of constantly being left on delivered/sent so I just deleted her from my social media.

    This is the right and most natural thing to do in my opinion.

    Now she has the right to be disinterested, but she is also aware of the fact that her behaviour over the phone is disrupting your mood.

    My advice is just stop trying to initiate contact. The ball is in her court now

  7. If you had a good time hanging out with her + y’all are both open to hanging out again then you overreacted imo.

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