I appreciate your advices guys! It’ll help me a lot :>

  1. Don’t put all your faith in one. Just keep saving yourself for the right one. You can date many don’t have to sleep with them. You have forever. Dating will make you think this person is soo special and it’s not true. It’s only special because that’s all you are dealing with. Have a lot of specials and see which one is

  2. If you do go out stay safe, if anything feels uncomfy, weird or simply isnt fun for you, leave!

    You dont owe anyone, anything in the dating stage, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

  3. Please be careful with dating apps there’s not a lot of common decency and moralistic values being exercised by the customer base. Just a lot of selfish individuals whom want their sexual needs met without giving anything in return.

  4. Know who you are and what you want. A relationship can be great but so many young people sacrifice their goals/dreams to make a relationship work and it’s not worth it.

    Keep looking until you find someone who loves you, respects you, and works with you to accomplish your goals. Don’t settle for someone that will hold you back or make you feel like you need to choose between him and your future.

  5. Communicate

    Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and put yourself first

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