my ex and i have a lot of history and we were very serious. i won’t get into the details, but after we broke up for a second time and he did me very dirty by sleeping with the one girl i was worried about the day after he ended things, i thought we were done for good. he tried to get back with me after that too. we didn’t speak at all for about two years and we both were in different relationships. he must’ve realized mine ended bc after him and his girl ended after me and my ex broke up, he added me back on socials. he then proceeded to text me shit that made it sound like he missed me and didn’t wanna be with that girl at all. (he is amazing at telling people what they wanna hear) but anyways we started casually hanging out, not having sex or any physical contact. the more we hungout, the more touchy he got and we started to fuck. after my break from school to visit my family – which is when we started having sex – he ghosted me on all socials. then a month or two later, the same situation and now i’m stuck in the casual sex and don’t know what to do. he says things as if he misses me and like he wants to get back with me almost – which idek if i want – but then acts different the next day. the other night we had sex and he even says our sex is really passionate and it was really good. then right after he wanted me to go home. i can’t read these mixed signals and i can’t help but think that i’m getting used and that it’s gonna lead to me getting led on.

  1. Terrible saying but, why buy the cow if you get the milk for free. Unless the sex is great and you’re happy being the side piece, absolutely ditch him

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