My whole view on dating & love feels shattered. I got divorced 6 months ago and I just feel so discouraged about love now. I constantly worry now that I’m never going to find my person or if I even have one? I used to believe in “the one” and “soulmates”. Now I’m not sure I do anymore and that feels depressing😔Anyone else feel this way?

  1. I understand.. If you need someone to talk to hit me up. You are already in a better position. You divorced. Don’t put too much on other people and enjoy your life. The dating sentiment you share is very common today due to technology. Look at it this way. You at least experienced marriage. These kids are starting in this awkward anti-dating society. Now take advantage and have some fun!

  2. It’s because u’ve had a rough divorce. Time heals. u’ll have a more positive outlook on love. once u meet someone who u have chemistry with. This love pessimism won’t last. 🤍

  3. I’ve been there. Might be the story of most marriages. The problem is the illusion of perfect love life. They lied to us. Life is never gonna be that sweet. But you can make it dam close. You have to rethink what it is to have that love. Remodel it. It’s out there if you create it. If you are going off what we believe beLIEve then it will always fail. Tried to explain that to my ex wife. She still thinks grass is greener though

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