I’ve been on both sides of this. I was with a friend at a bar. We decided together to checkout another near by bar. Right after I order he says he doesn’t want anything and leaves. I thought that was a bit rude.

I also have friends who invite me for a drink at happy hour. I come prepared for a few beers but they order 3 course meals. I don’t really like sitting there watching them eat so would it be rude to leave before they are done?

I already asked [is it rude if one person orders a big meal and the other has a drink?](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/vdw0xg/is_it_rude_to_order_an_bigexpensive_meal_when_the) and it seems most people think it’s fine. If the agreement was to go to a restaurant or just have a drink, I still find it’s a bit annoying because it wasn’t what was planned for.

1 comment
  1. Both are rude. Unless you stated before going out with your friends that you can only stay for one drink. Otherwise just get a snack if you feel awkward not having a meal? Most bars have tapas or snackfood that’s pretty cheap and it will make you feel more included without having to eat a whole meal if you’re not hungry. It’s especially rude though if only two people go out together and then one person just leaves, leaving the other one there alone.

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