So me and my ex bf of 9 months broke up.

Sorry just wanted to tell someone else.

Me 19 ex bf 18

3 months ago I send this text to him and how much he hurt me.

– My pov of me and my ex bf relationship.
after his talk with his brother in law about baby trap and woman, money, everytime we meeted up he didn’t want to kiss, hug or hold my hand (he started to kiss, hug and hold my hand on the break up day) but he would always bring up the fact I had less money than he, he always said we can’t do this we can’t do that he because of me not having enough money, he would always say how I was jobless and saying pet sitting isn’t a real job.

– I also noticed that he would only wanted to do he wanted to do, like we have to do this and that, sometimes we did things I wanted to do if we did he would mostly walk off or sometime say can we do something else.

– also i try to tell him about all this stuff and how it make me feel like the baby trap talk, the less money talk, and how we can’t do anything fun because i was jobless, he just said “our relationship is great nothing is wrong” he also said “I believe my bro-in-law because he’s a man and everything I say mean nothing to him” that hurt so much hearing that my Boyfriend at the time, he wouldn’t even talk to me about how he was feelings.

– In the last month of our relationship he said so many mean things about me behind my back to someone not even in the relationship like “fuck her, fuck this, fuck our relationship, my love for her is dieing, she fucking thinks I would baby trap her, i am fucking done with her” I never did think that he would baby trap me because I knew him, i said it as a joke because he was talking about kids for 6 months.

– and seeing all the massages he send to his bro-in-law dating back to the 9 of may two day’s before my birthday how much he hated me and hated our relationship and only staying dating me because it was my birthday week that hurt the most and on the night of my birthday he call/yells at me “to stop being a baby and to grow up” all because I wanted to intimate with him and he also would only want to be intimate with me when he wanted not if I ask or wanted.

– he would also always stick his hand in my boobs and always shove his hand down my pants in public no matter how many time I would tell him it’s uncomfortable and he would just laugh it off and do it again, also with the night of my birthday I felt when he give me head I said only used two fingers he decided to hurt my inside but shoving five fingers and hurt me when I got home I found out i was bleeding later, the old guy he was, would have stop as soon as I say no or ouch, i felt he stop respect me in the end or the he guy i loved was gone.

– Also back to our first time having sex after it, he said that it was disappointing, we never had sex with anyone else before so of course the first is going to be hard a bit. Your mean to in joy it together.

– Soon to be 3 months since the break up, and I feels so much better without him.

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