I have heard this recently by women. And now being on here I’ve seen it written about. I think it’s a cop out. It’s something someone can say with no dispute because it’s the words they are using. But in reality yes you get that instant attraction is that a spark sure. But yes you will never hold onto that initial spark. Sometimes you realize that you are opposite, but to say “spark is gone”.
Is more of I’m not willing to work on anything. So next time anyone says no spark. Ill probobly just say.. “well that’s good to know we’re just opposite then. I want someone that is actually looking for something.”

  1. I think men will date just about anyone women have subconscious criteria. When a guy meets those they feel the spark. It’s not looks based or even certain attributes, it’s a genuine feeling.

    So when a girl says the spark is gone it means the person has changed into someone they’re no longer attracted to. For example when you started dating he was super into traveling and meeting new people And now he wants to stay home and watch tv. It’s completely normal and not a cop out.

  2. > It’s something someone can say with no dispute

    Guys “disputing” women saying they aren’t interested is definitely a huge problem.

    > to say “spark is gone”. Is more of I’m not willing to work on anything.

    I personally am not willing to work on dating people I do not want to date. Guilty as charged!

    > I want someone that is actually looking for something.”

    Indeed it is best to date people who want to date you.

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