So I cold approached a girl and asked her to hangout like 2 days later, through Snapchat. We went to an arcade and I’d say we had fun and before we left I asked and got her #. Told her I had fun and that we should hang out again soon. She then said yea and gave me a date. Then I asked her to get ice cream and she said yes and so we went. Talked for like 2 hours. After that about a couple days later I asked her out on an actual date and she said we should just be friends. So I said okay, then I texted her a while back and she ghosted me. So should I just not text her again I’m guessing, and we go to the same school(college)so I’m pretty sure I’ll see her again.

  1. Don’t text her again. If you see her at school, just keep walking. If you absolutely can’t ignore her, nod your head in acknowledgement and keep walking. If you end up in the same group of people talking, either pretend she’s not there, walk away or treat her as any other new person and take a very mild interest in what she says but not overly so and move on quickly

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