So me and my SO (ex, apparently) have been togheter for 6 months now.

2 months ago she told me she was looking to move to another country, 2 hours fly away from where we live now. Now, i’ve been living and working in that country before so I said I would look for a job there too and so I did quite easily. She has yet to get an offer good enough to accept but keeps trying.

Thing is, after a wonderfull, magical, start of relationship, things started to get colder on her side, I swear on my mother that everything seemed normal to me, but apparantly not. Now that I have everything booked and resigned with my current employer, she put it all to an end and says that she was thinking about this for a long time, again, I swear I didn’t see any signs that would make me think she wasn’t happy, I would change and fix what I could so we could be better. Hell we had an amazing weekend just days before she told me this.

I can almost guarantee that there is no other person, couldn’t it be that she thinks she can’t handle the distance?

She also said that the decision is made and there is no turning back, but I don’t know if thats something to test me to keep trying for her and show that I do really care and want to be with her, sorry to say but women and complicated to understand :/

What do you think I should do? Should I keep try to show how much I love her? Should I just try to forget and leave it all out (just thinking about this breaks my heart)

Thanks in advance for anyone who read this far. Appreciate it.


TL;DR: (ex)-GF suddenly breaks with me without apparent reason.

  1. I am genuinely sorry for you being in this situation. I think that trying to convince her to come back to you will end in resentment and bigger heartbreak for you.

  2. As hard as it is just move on man. Maybe move to that country and get a fresh start if you already have everything lined up?

  3. Well yeah I know I should move on, but I feel like i’m just not in the right mental state now to go to a differente country away of all my friends and familiy on my own and think about all the things I could have done with her if she was there, as we had planned on..

    Whats the pointing in moving now? Also I don’t have a job here anymore..

  4. Two months ago when she mentioned wanting to move somewhere else, that was her first attempt at breaking up with you, but instead of taking the hint, you jumped in with both feet. That was the sign you apparently missed. That was the signal. She presented an exit strategy and you ignored it.

    Six months is nothing. Accept it and move on.

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