I’ve been dating this girl for about a month and a half. We have amazing chemistry and a lot of similar interests. The sparks flew on the first date, so much we hooked up. We’ve been spending about one day a week with each other (I’m usually busy with work). Last week she wanted more time with me and I agreed.

On Monday we hung out, had fun, and hooked up. Tuesday morning she was texting me and we made plans for Saturday (today). Then Wednesday afternoon she claimed it’s best we don’t see each other for the time being as she needs to figure out what she wants and wished me all the best. I told her to process her feeings and get get in touch with me when she gets through whatever she’s going through and have been in no contact since.

What is your opinion on this ? I really liked her and we clicked so well, almost too well. Will she be back ?

  1. She’s probably off to wherever she wants to go. Don’t get hung up on it. The more you romanticise the encounter, the deeper you’ll dig yourself into a hole of misery.

  2. She already found another guy, brother.

    Forget about her, it’s not worth to stress yourself over this.

    Also, for future references, never date a girl more than once a week.

  3. Sometimes people are so afraid of rejection that they self-sabotage. Maybe that’s what happened here? Or she’s still hung up on an ex that has just reappeared in her life. Or she’s struggling with mental health issues. Who knows? It’s probably a good way to get your heart broken by trying to dwell on this or trying to “fix” her if she comes back. I’d do yourself a favor and move on.

  4. Boy just move on. That’s not a situation you wanna put yourself in. The way this is set up right now, your best outcome is that she decides to come back and entertain you for however long she wants to until she wants to go do something else again. Do you really think that the best you can do is waiting for someone to go have fun elsewhere and then come back to you?

  5. Wants space = she’s expressing her options with other people

    Translation. Spend your time on someone else. Life is too short to be hung up on an iffy

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