How did you know you were in love?

  1. When he broke it off with me…it hit me like ton of bricks…I was all WTF?! I thought I was safe and I was having fun…a fling…albeit a 7 year fling.

  2. when you start to feel like a single cell organism and it hurts
    to be apart.

    when you buy perfume and get excited that they’ll smell you in it.

    when every love song becomes about them.

    when you start loving yourself more and self actualizing as a byproduct of being in love.

    when you are willing to do the work to be better for them in anyway you can.

    when you don’t go a day without them being on your mind.

    when the memories you share are your favorite movie.

    i would do and give up anything for him. it is something like an ego death. i simply surrender to the love.

    with the person i’m referring to, i knew very early on that he was it for me. that was it. there was no need to look elsewhere because he is the only person i’ll ever want this badly. i’m too young to say that we’ll get married one day, but i hope we do.

  3. When I started daydreaming about telling our kids how we met. I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME YET! just hit our 4th married year though!

  4. I felt a feeling being in the presence of the one I love. That felt like nothing I had ever felt before. I knew no matter what I wanted to be by their side and do whatever it would take to protect that feeling. Even if I didn’t at first know what it was. A part of me just knew where they were I belonged.

  5. when my husband takes the pickles off his burgers and gives them to me, i knew that I’m in love with this man

  6. When I realized I felt content when we are together the same way I feel content alone.

  7. After my first break up. I was so heart broken, cried for weeks, didn’t eat properly and just wanted to sleep for days. Said to my friends I would do anything to be with him again, I missed every ounce of him.

    10 years on there still a small part of me that misses him but that first love for you.

  8. Whenever I looked at him, I felt safe and whole.
    That whenever I was near him, I was bursting with wanting to tell him that I loved him.

  9. I see no one else. No other man is as handsome to me as he is.

    When even the littlest thing that happens, I can’t wait to tell him.

    I view things a little bit differently, because he opened my eyes and helped me think about things in a new perspective.

    And I see a future with him. I’ve never had that happen before, and I honestly cannot picture sharing my life with anyone else.

  10. I found that any time I was talking to someone else I wished I was talking to him. I started getting sad any time we said goodbye. I could feel my heart melt when he told me how he felt. Just looking at his face made my heart swell.

    My affection for him grew stronger every day and soon I was feeling things I had never felt for anyone else in my life. Every day the feeling was more intense than the last. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. And for the first time in my entire life… I felt confident that this would lead to something real. I actually trusted that he loved me the same way I loved him.

    Our love has now matured into something deeper. It’s unconditional. I trust him completely and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And now I really understand what people mean when they say that love is the most important thing in their life. Being in love is probably the best most meaningful experience I’ve ever had.

  11. When I felt safe enough to fart in front of him. First time was an accident. I apologized and he said that I’d been doing it in my sleep, he didn’t care, then we just burst into hysterical laughter.

  12. When I started to have dreams about saying “I love you” to him. They were very vivid and at one point I thought I already had said it in real life. So then I did!

  13. From the man’s perspective.

    When I held her in my arms she melted. When we kissed the world around us disappeared. I could feel her heart pounding against mine. Time seemed to slow down.

    Our love has passed the test of time over the twenty years together. We have learned how to handle conflicts though communication, by listening to each other and understanding that we see the world differently. And we have learned to respect each other’s point of view.

    That one may hurt the other unintentionally and when that happens to bring it up to the other. Do not hide it or burst into anger. Instead giving them the benefit of doubt regarding the motivation behind it. Trusting them.

    For in the end it is not what the argument was about but how you handled it that will be remembered. Hopefully in a loving manner.

    In short, I know her and she knows me.

  14. When I felt safe and complete around him.

    When I started to take on his problem as my own( ie if someone was mean to him or he had a tough day, feeling that energy and doing everything I could to make it right).

    When I started dreaming of our future together and felt complete

  15. I felt completely 100% safe while being vulnerable. I knew this person would never weaponize what I told them in confidence against me. They only wanted me to grow and become. And I only wanted that for them as well. This only made me feel more safe to be my true authentic self. I also knew based on how I studied them; I knew their favorite everything, how they liked to wake up in the morning, what they did before bed, how they held their phone, how their reasoning worked. I memorized their movements; how they breathed, how they walked, how they put on their shoes, the order in which they grabbed their belongings before they left the house, and I knew what they always forgot so I would remember for them. He could also read me like a book which was creepy at first lol but absolutely lovely in the end. We were obsessed with each other haha

  16. When I showed him my imperfect side which I never share with anyone and he didn’t care, just continued to love me. That safety and security knowing that someone is there for you? Never felt that in my life and I finally felt safe enough to fully love.

  17. Whenever something exciting happens in your day, this person became the first thing you look for and you cannot wait to go and tell them.

  18. Thinking about them all the time. Getting coffee? I should get him some. At the store? Didn’t he say he needed _____, I should pick it up. Oh he loves these I should grab some for him, etc etc

  19. I’ve been with my husband for 10 years, and still to this day if he isnt with me (like he has gone to work or something) my soul feels empty. Like part of me is genuinely missing.

  20. When I look at them and can’t find a single thing to dislike about them. Being beside them warms my chest up and gives me something similar to butterflies…but more grounded. He’s my peace and my home and everything I plan around my life I always think of him in it too.

  21. When I realized that I was going to be absolutely devastated when our “not serious, FWB” relationship ended when he moved out of state.

    Don’t worry, he caught feels, too. He didn’t move, and we got married instead.

  22. When I realized I would be an utter fool to pass up the opportunity to be loved in the way I knew he loved me.

    It’s been over 20 years so far. No regrets.

  23. I used to think it was the jittery, high-anxiety, fear-driven feeling of total obsession that was “real” love… Until I fell in love with my current boyfriend and realised that the real thing is calm and steady, but never boring. No fear, no anxiety, no back-and-forth uncertainty… Just warmth and happiness and laughter. I can be completely myself and at ease with him, and never have to worry that he will suddenly get sick of me and leave.

  24. I get social anxiety, and I’m an introvert. People drain me, even the ones I love like family. My husband is the first and only person who doesn’t drain my energy, but actively recharges it. He was the first person I’ve ever been excited about being around. He was the first person I told myself to get over my anxiety for so I could see if we had something.

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