TLDR: I am unhappy with my bf but I am unsure whether I need to try harder in the relationship or leave

I (19F) and my bf (18M) have been dating for nearly two years. For the past several months, I have not been super happy. I have tried multiple times to let him know about the issue I have been having. Every time, he always says that it “isn’t a real problem” and that “we need to just communicate” more. The problem is: he sucks at communicating. He will flake on me all the time, even when he asks to hang out. And when we do hang out, it consists of him trying to have seggsy times with me, no matter if I’m in the mood or not. It mostly feels like he doesn’t want to lose me because then he has nobody to have seggsy time with. I am not sure what to do, since I have tried to break up with him twice now and he stops me and talks me out of a breakup every time I try. So my question is: do I need to try harder to stay with him or should I leave?

  1. break up you don’t have to put a lot of effort if they aren’t putting effort in it doesn’t seem like he respects you you deserve better i suggest breaking up

  2. Says you two just need to communicate more
    Says what you have isn’t a real problem
    Talks you out of what you to do that would be at his expense (breaking up)

    Sounds like his definition of “communication” is getting you to do what he would prefer.

  3. Don’t try hard in a relationship, find one where you can relax and be yourself. You can’t change a person to be more of what you like. People deserve to be loved for who they are, so do you, go find that. Don’t try to change people. Some people just aren’t right for you and that is ok.

  4. It’s time to go. You tried. You said what you needed. Your needs were unmet, your requests ignored. It’s over.

  5. You’re not happy and you’ve tried several times to communicate and fix the issues and he’s been uninterested in that.

    You don’t need to stay in a relationship where you’re unhappy and your partner doesn’t care enough to bother.

  6. Trust your instincts. If you believe he’s only trying to keep you around for the physical, you’re probably right. Ghost him

  7. I spent almost 3 years in a relationship where I was unhappy at your age. Told him I wanted to break up more than once to which he said no. Im in a mich better relationship now but I still look back on that one with regret all the time. Regret that I let myself be so unhappy for so long and that I let him tell me no and talk me back into it when I knew I wanted out.

    You are too young to be stuck in a relationship where you’re unhappy. It might be hard at first and you’ll likely be sad for a few days or weeks but trust me you will look back on this months or years from now and be glad you ended things.

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