What has your experience been with Cuddle for hire gals?

  1. I’ve never needed to pay for affection but I won’t judge you.

    It’s kind of sad that we live in a world where there are enough lonely people for this service to even exist.

    EDIT: Looks like OP has asked this question in bad faith. He has a girlfriend and is asking if he gets a ‘happy ending’ with the service. Not cool.

  2. Get a pet

    Edit: Sounds like you need genuine affection. Paid cuddling isn’t genuine.

  3. I’ve never heard of a service like that, but I’m sure an escort would be happy to get paid $2-300/hour just to cuddle and talk.

  4. This question will not work on Reddit.

    Any real answer that you get will be down voted into oblivion.

    You’re just going to get a bunch of moderately clever one liner responses that don’t actually address the question.

  5. Sounds like a scam to strip desperate lonely people from their money…

    Personally I’m not looking for cuddles; I’m looking for companionship and a partner (who will sometimes cuddle me)

  6. The fact that some people are that lonely and desperate for affection is extraordinarily sad to me.

  7. As a 6’2″ guy I would pay to be a little spoon, surely that would be a niche for some lanky girl 😁

  8. I was in Poland with some friends and there were some girls advertising “drinks and beautiful women” for 8 zluti (not sure how to spell it) we turned them down but they were persistent and annoying

  9. My buddies brother does this, says it’s wonderful and really helped his depression.

  10. I’m going to be real and say my experience has been good. In the last 6 years i have seen about 4 different therapists. I feel a lot better afterwards. Less stressed and over all i do think it helps to regulate my mood. I don’t want to take any kind of antidepressants or drugs, so for me this is the better alternative. I’m sure a lot of normies here are going to give you a lot of shit for paying for affection, but some guys are just not in the right state of mind to have a relationship. Or in my case I’m a loser for living with parents and women my age will not date a man like me. That’s the harsh reality, as soon as my living situation comes up, they’re done. There’s no nuance, just facts i live with my parents and grandpa. The why or how doesn’t matter. What matters is that yeah i feel lonely sometimes and being held and cuddling for hours at a time is what i need. Also I’ve been called needy before, so why bother opening up to a woman that’s just going to ridicule me for wanting to feel the warmth of another human being. You do you, if you feel you need it, go for it. Fuck everyone else on thia thread. The people that disparage you will never understand, but I do. We’re humans with feelings and needs. And we’re doing what we can to get by.

  11. ITT: OP who asked a question in bad faith and then acted like a douche about it

  12. I had a bad habit of burying myself in work and go years without affection, the touch starvation was debilitating. when I’m with someone who I feel can accept me wholly as I am.. it’s kind of embarrassing but after the first few dates they come over to my place usually that part of myself is exhausted I kind of just hold onto her and my eyes tear up kind of cry myself to sleep.. it can be like that for hours, not much of a date night but generally women that resonate with me like that are home bodies and seem into it anyway so I feel less guilty about it

    I can’t do that with half the women I date, nor someone I’m paying for cuddles… but might just be needing to find the right professional.. who knows. personally, it may just be easier and less expensive for some to simply go on dates and get to know each other first

  13. I don’t have any to speak of but the concept is very depressing.

    If you’re at a point in your life where you’re considering paying someone to cuddle with you, I would suggest that adopting a pet wouldn’t be a bad idea.

  14. What for hire? Imma be real with you chief… I’d legit rent a hooker for a full date night before I’d do that. Lol

  15. I think it’s just another thing in a long line of things that debases the modern man, and you shouldn’t have to or want to pay for shit like this.

  16. I would never do it because affection only feels good if it’s genuine. The person cuddling with me has to actually like it and care about me. that’s what I am missing when I get lonely, genuine, mutually desired closeness, not a paid facsimile with someone who goes home afterwards and never thinks about me again.

  17. Getting a girlfriend for cuddling is easy but then you’re stuck with obligations and bullshit. The only women I pay are the ones that let you cum in their mouths and then they promptly leave.

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