I (17) was chosen for a 7 day vacation with teens across the state. Currently, I’m on day 4, and have found myself a bit attached to a boy also on the trip. He’s perfect to me. The more I’m around him the more I feel that I need to be with him.

Not only do we leave soon, but he lives several hours away. Long distance relationships are not my style, as physical touch is very important to me.

Should I take this as a loss and go home hurt, or should I just enjoy my silly youth and go for a long distance fling?

  1. It’s so cool to meet someone you click with. I’d say keep in touch. If a relationship isn’t going to work, being friends isn’t the worst ever! It sounds like he could be a good friend to you.

    Edit to add: Also keep in mind that 7 days to develop feelings may not be healthy, but it’s okay to be curious or interested in or have a crush on someone as long as you take care of yourself and respect each other’s boundaries. I wish you the best!

  2. You don’t know you’ll never see again… love finds a way. Get to know him and social and texting is an option to stay in contact. Also recognize this could just be a teen fling… no more.

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