Matches: 150

Matches that I have made a concerted effort respectfully and interesting messages to: 150

Matches that girls have responded at least once: 80, 70 never message once

Matches that it makes it to the point I ask them out (usually 8 or so total messages): 30, 50 flake by message 5 or 6

Matches that girls respond yes to when I ask out: 10, 20 flake after asking out

Matches that don’t flake and are actually in a seat in front of me on a date: 3, 7 flake after saying yes to date

There’s only a 2% (3/150) chance that if I match with a girl, who made the decision to swipe right considering me attractive, that they actually go on a date. This has happened to all my guy friends, so if I’m getting ghosted by 140 girls that means that it’s likely each of those girls is just ignoring 140 guys. It’s also disrespectful to agree to a date and time, I carve time out of my schedule for it and plan around it, then not only not go on the date, but don’t even message at all letting me they’re not going.

I wish girls realized even just 10% of how much easier they have it when it comes to dating. Like it is a colossal difference in how much easier it is to get a date as a girl compared to guy.

  1. It’s sad really for most men. Lol. I feel this. Women think they have it bad and they don’t realize they’re probably in the lowest 10% of women attractiveness wise. If they were in the lowest 90%, and don’t get good results , they’d actually realize men’s plight.

  2. It’s almost certainly easier to get a date on OLD as a straight woman than as a straight man. Though you’re mistake is assuming that simply getting a date is “success” in everybody’s eyes. If you go 20 dates in a month and each ones is awful, one could say you are worse off than if you went on a single mediocre date

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