Women, how do you feel/react when your SO farts?

  1. I laugh or pretend to be mad if it really stinks

    We have a 7 year old son who thinks farts are the funniest so we generally make it known when we fart.

  2. We say “bless you” after farts. It’s basically a running joke that farts are treated like sneezes in our home. They happen. Who cares.

  3. I always laugh and sometimes say “you should really go check your pants on that one…”

  4. I FREAK OUT. 🤣 I’m honestly unhealthily sensitive to smells and it causes me serious nausea and in some rare cases vomiting. My tolerance for it has improved, but I’ve honestly had to stop hanging out w people for short periods of time in my life because the b.o. sensitivity was just that bad. Its not always even their fault though, as some had been on medications that they needed and that was a side effect. I just personally can’t handle it… like literally 😅

  5. With amusement. Because bodily functions are funny and I’m basically a 50 year old teenager.

  6. I just yell how gross it is! In a joking way and ask if he ate something dead. My partner loves grossing me out. Ill open windows etc to get fresh air. If it’s really bad Ill pretend to gag. Although sometimes I don’t need to pretend.

  7. He’s very polite and generally says excuse me and tries not to do it around me. I’m not gonna judge, I’m human so obviously I do it too.
    Sometimes, on rare occasions, he’ll make a show of it in some comical way and I’ll be like what the actual fuck are you doing, then he farts. And in those instance I’m apparently a 10yo boy cause it cracks me up.

  8. I don’t care or even acknowledge it unless he does. Sometimes I’ll comment “I didn’t know we had a duck” or “Wow, guess a frog snuck in here”. Then we snicker at my horrible jokes.

  9. I mean this happens a lot in our house! I generally don’t say anything unless it was particularly loud, in which case I might laugh.

  10. honestly i laugh and make jokes and vice versa when i fart too, tbh it’s just gas lol

  11. No reaction. If it happens to either of us, we just pretend not to notice unless whoever did it says something like “sorry” and the other will reply something like “happens to everyone sometime”

  12. I laughed. He always made jokes about farting to only do it moments later. Idk why but it was really funny.

  13. We have an inside joke for it. One time we saw a meme about some guy sniffing farts and so one of us would be making sniffing sounds everything the other fart lol.

  14. They stink but my farts are worse than his.

    But NOTHING compares to my Doberman’s farts. That shit is rank!

  15. I laugh! but it’s also a reminder that of all the people he sees and talks to, I am the only one (maybe his mom is an exception) he feels comfortable enough to do so. I am his home 🙂

  16. Ummmmm…if they think that I’m not going to rise up to their challenge….they’re wrong!!

  17. I fart back at him. Sometimes if I can get my fart to sound high pitched like letting air out of a balloon I’ll say my butthole is whistling at him.
    We laugh it off. Now I also ate only broccoli for 2 mo once and he did complain about the smell 😂

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