Tl;dr neighbour has mosquito alarm, can be heard in the house, is it harmful to my 6 month old son?

For context, my parent’s neighbours have been using a pest repellant alarm for “foxes” despite being aimed at both our front and back door (my parent’s own 4 cats and a dog). The noise however can be heard inside the house, and is heard by all of my siblings (26M, 23F, 22M, 19F), my partner (28F) and me (24M). We all find it quite distressing, with at least two of my siblings complaining of constant headaches and potential tinnitus. To add to this, my partner and I recently had a baby (6 months old), and we will be spending a considerable amount of time at my parents’ house (4 days a week minimum),

Ultimately I want to know if the pest repellant alarm is dangerous to anyone (my son especially), and if so, is there anything we can do about it?

Edit 1: we have asked the neighbour to either move or turn off the alarms, to which she either denied it being aimed at our doors, or simply moved it back to our doors after a few days

  1. Contact your local council about the noise stating it is causing distress. Also I’d be seeing drs re. headaches and tinnitus stemming from the noises so it’s noted that it’s causing health issues to back up your case.

    First off ask the neighbour to turn it off?

  2. I thought those things weren’t supposed to be audible for humans, either way its quite hard to tell if she is doing it maliciously. I suspect though she more than likely doesn’t want your parents cats in her garden which is fair enough really, can’t reasonably expect her to turn them off unless your parents are going to keep the cats indoors 24/7. Ultimately though I would say no, it wouldn’t/shouldn’t cause any kind of harm to fully grown adults or infants.

  3. I’d take a shotgun to the fucking thing.

    The annoying bastard shitting things ought to be illegal.

  4. I fucking hate these things. The definition of antisocial. Apparently I’m not supposed to be able to hear them at my age, but they are torturous

  5. Someone on my street has one, every time I go past it I’m blasted by the horrible high pitched sound, what’s worse is schoolkids have to walk past the garden to get to their primary school, you see kids walk past covering their ears, even worse is the house next door has a disabled kid that loves to play in his front garden, so every time he’s out there he must get hit with the noise too, I understand them being used to stop gangs of youths from hanging outside shops, but I don’t think using them in gardens should be allowed, especially when it effects people just trying to get places

  6. They are really annoying. We had to buy one after I found my four year old play with a cat shit, local cat uses one of our flower beds as a litter tray. Have to turn it off when we’re in the garden as I definitely hear it.

    Might be worth asking why they feel they need it? Could be as simple as trying to deter other peoples pets from their garden, something the owners could help with maybe?

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