It’s a common trope on the internet, dudes pretending to be girls. I’m not talking the specific fetish community for the kink but just text posts of “women” behaving like porn stars that are so obviously written by men. Like, “teehee I’m a 20 year old blonde with triple D’s and I got sooo wet after sucking off twenty dudes yes I am totally an actual woman”. Not talking about those fake accounts with hot single moms being two miles away that are meant to scam either.

While I 100% acknowledge that women can be super horny too, hell I am a woman, I just don’t understand why this is so common to the point of being a trope.

Wouldn’t it make more sense that the internet would be full of elaborate horny sex stories from a *man’s* perspective? Like oh bro I fucked twenty beautiful women for two days straight and I came all over the place.
Why is it much more likely to be “my busty blonde ass and my beautiful girlfriends got fucked by a dude for two days straight and we drowned in cum and my orgasm was 30 years long”.

I know that the vast majority of men don’t do this lol. But as men, do you have any insights as to why some men might do this?

  1. Because older men can role play as women thus being able to talk to younger boys because you know, a young boy would go crazy over an older woman speaking to him sexually. Showing that you’re a man would turn away most of the younger population. It also allows men to talk to younger girls posing as women to talk about their “feminine needs”.

  2. It provides them with attention and validation, as someone else said, as well as fap material in many cases (it allows them to role play as a woman, which is a fantasy for many men – to have the sexual capacity of a woman). In extreme cases, they use it to catfish their way into someone else’s life.

  3. To fuck with people.

    And keep the myth alive that horny women like that exist.

  4. This is called *autogynephelia* and it’s the answer to a lot of strange things that are going on right now.

  5. I’d guess it turns them on. I’m pretty over being surprised by anything that turns people on anymore. After this many years on the internet, it takes a lot to shock me

  6. I think there is some level of fabrication at every level on the internet. There’s men pretending to be women, men pretending to be players or giga chad tough guys, teenagers pretending to be adults, adults pretending to be teenagers, dudes selling used (on them) panties to other dudes, suburban teenagers pretending to be mentally ill, white dudes pretending to be black, upper class black dudes pretending to be hood, democrats pretending to be republicans, republicans pretending to be democrats. And finally, redditors pretending their opinions fucking matter.

  7. Same reason a woman wrote fifty shades of grey. Or JK Rowling wrote about a bunch of fifteen year old boys without knowing anything about them.

    These people are horny, enjoy creative writing, and some probably thought others would maybe like to read it.

    Why does anyone write anything?

    Why do people write in to penthouse or create porn games?

  8. >Like oh bro I fucked twenty beautiful women for two days straight and I came all over the place.

    I guess you’re new to this sub – there are plenty of such fake stories here as well.

  9. i may have some insight into this .. i also expect to get downvoted but i will open up about this

    i spent many years of my life pretending to be women online, specifically in video games. it was never sexually driven, so i can’t directly answer your question about the horny side of it but i can tell you my experience and why i THINK i did it.

    from the ages of 15 to 20 i would constantly roleplay a woman in most online spaces, i’ve thought long and hard about why i did it and why i loved doing it so much and i think i’ve come to the conclusion it’s about attention. if i as a male type something into a game chat or discord server, etc most will completely ignore me – i found out at an extremely young age that women get all the attention and are something of a “unicorn” on the internet that people would like to be around. i can make a post right now talking about how i need somebody to talk to .. i might get 1 answer. if i pretend i’m a woman and ask to have a chat, i have 10000 responses in 10 minutes.

    i think it stems from loneliness. it was a dark time in my life and i just wanted to hang out with people in online spaces, the easiest way i found to make hundreds of friends to chat / game with .. was to pretend to be a woman.

    i did this for many many years and sometimes took it way too far to the point of building deep bonds with people / leading them on. i finally got my life together and actually WENT OUTSIDE into the real world to meet friends / women and haven’t done anything like this since. i’m ashamed of it but it’s the truth – i’m open to answer any questions anyone might have

    edit – i would also like to add i was always obsessed with creative writing and have an imagination that runs wild. i often daydream, living in fantasy. the story telling, lying and creative writing that comes with catfishing might have something to do with it. i’m not an interesting character .. so i created one.

  10. I used to do it in middle school sometimes “because I was bored”. I think I just wanted attention from guys.

  11. Is this actually common? I don’t see a lot of it, but maybe you’re active in certain forums where I don’t go.

  12. Not a guy, but I have run into a few dudes who have done this to scam people. Some did it for an ego/power trip and others were seeking attention. As a female gamer I did the opposite. I saw how women were treated in the online gaming community and said fuck that noise. Became a 12 yo boy right then and there and have been using that angle for the last 20 years!! 😂

    But for real, those people who do that are fucked up. I remember one guy used a pic of his sister and a voice modulator to lure the victim into trusting him to send a nude. And during that time we played as a group this “girl” was given special treatment cause some guys be horny and dumb. Once he was found out he took off, but he ruined the victims mental state. I remember asking the catfish guy why he did it. Said it was for fun and he wanted easy loot. So yeah. People are shit.

  13. My friend did it in a video game. It paid very well in said game’s currency and/or favors from whoever he was catfishing…

  14. It’s funny how you can spot them so easily. I read smut and erotica and I can always tell when it’s written by a man by how he writes bra sizes 😂. Like combinations I’ve never seen before and I’m a woman.

    I do understand the validation though. To be appreciated and praised for a lot of people, especially men, is rare. While they might be going about it the wrong way, it’s attention. Unless that’s your kink, then you do you 🤷🏻‍♀️

  15. Women live with the luxury of being able to use their feminine wiles to get anything they want, including money. Online and behind the curtain of anonymity is the only time men have that same luxury. Also, men get like 1 compliment a year. I can only imagine that it’s a good way to get some much needed positive reinforcement.

  16. Well I wouldn’t say I role play being a woman, but in RPGs I sometimes play as a super hot assassin chick just for some eye candy.

  17. I used to pretend to be a woman online, but it was never sexually motivated. I think it was mainly because as a guy nobody really gave me the time of day, no one was interested in talking to me, and as a shy disabled dude who didn’t get out much back then, I became very lonely as a teen, bordering on suicide. I had absolutely no confidence and hated myself, wanted to be anyone but me. So I began to pretend I was a girl, just because at least then people would want to talk to me.

    I did it because I was overwhelmingly lonely. I never did anything sexual, never lied about anything other than my face and gender, never got into any sort of romantic relationship, I was just me with two letters changed in my name. Later on, I would use edited pictures of myself that looked believably female, faceapp’s filters worked wonders with the right lighting, even lied about being trans because at least the other person would be aware I have a penis. Idk, it seemed closer to the truth whilst also getting me the attention I craved, a good middle ground.

    I thought I might actually be trans or something for a few years, pretending helped me figure out that I’m not, and am happy being and identifying as a man, I just wish I got that level of attention and friendliness without having to lie about what I am, whether that be lying that I’m a woman or lying that I’m trans.

    For me it was never about sex, it was about figuring out who I was and talking to someone, anyone, when I was at my lowest. If I didn’t, I think I’d probably have killed myself years ago. I’d say I regret it but I don’t.

  18. 1. Attention
    2. It feels fresh to be someone else. Once you’re a girl online, you’re completly different person.
    3. To troll people and just gain whatever you want from their stupidity
    4. Curiosity, sexual fantasy
    5. When it comes to picking a girl or a boy in a video games it’s similar to the points above + msybe you just like the girl in a normal way or find her hot.

  19. I pretended to be a woman for a long time on Second Life and developed a couple of intense relationships. Yes, it did get sexual (virtually) and I do regret leading them on as I did, but it was, as another poster stated, a dark time in my life. Portraying myself as a woman and walking in their shoes, I have been able to see things from a woman’s point of view and it had actually helped me in my life moving forward, in my relationships and my outlook in general. I wouldn’t recommend it for most men though.

    Edit: The other people that I became virtual friends with were women or portraying themselves as women.

  20. A friend of mine loved catfishing, he pranked other menfor months just for fun.

    No, he was not a good person.

  21. auto gynephilia

    But seriously, one of the theories is that cyberspace has short-circuited the ‘establishing your identity’ phase of psychological development. Kids used to play with identities growing up. I’m superman, or I’m a doctor or whatever, then settle on one.

    But in cyberspace, you don’t have to. Your avatar is your identity, so you can ‘be’ whatever you want to be. Orc? She-Hulk? Behind an anonymous screen, you can be anything. I think this is really causing problems with people’s sense of self.

  22. low testosterone levels because of the remains of medication, drugs and plastics in the drinking water

  23. Best guess….they’re attention starved and easier to get attention as a woman. Much easier. That’s the theory I developed in the last 2 seconds anyway.

  24. I did it once when I was like 12 because I saw someone giving free items to a “girl” in an MMO

    And I was like “shieeet, I’m gonna get some free stuff”

    Felt weird afterward and never did it again, didn’t know it was such a common thing these days

  25. I only did it to catfish a guy who I learned was trying to sabotage my relationship.

    Dude fell for it hard!!!

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