I recently learned that my (M) has a power fetish (F) and tends to respect and look up to people with authority. We are both the same age so i will probably never be in the position of authority over her and now i am worried that she might fall for someone with more authority and age because i don’t possess it. What can i do to satisfy this kink/fetish of hers and how can i get rid of the insecurity that she might get the feels for a boss or someone with authority over her?

  1. Lol listen bro u gotta be the man simple clearly ur a kid or just a guy who’s lost tryna find his masculinity like wtf u mean u have no authority ur a FUCKING MAN BRO ur supposed to be her damn leader or just like u said some other guy will lead her ya to his bedroom for some fun time 🤩 look dude she doesn’t have a kink all woman want a man of authority leadership and masculinity just like how u want a woman who is submissive you need to worry about yourself at this point like no fr go do some push-ups smoke a cigarette and drink a beer like a man does lol cuz this is not it cuzzy all jokes aside u need to man up become more of a leader/authority figure and stop FUCKING CARING ABOUT WHAT SHE DOES/LIKES. Based of u posting on Reddit tells me that u like her more then she likes u which is not a good thing and to be completely real wit u she’s probably fucking sum1 else no hate no diss just being real cuz once u start worrying if she’s gonna cheat or leave then it usually happens

  2. 1️⃣ Work on yourself, my G. Be firm in your decision making. That’s different from being toxic and “alpha”. Just be firm.

    2️⃣ Understand that it’s a her problem, not necessarily a you problem. You shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t put you on top. If she’s always deferring to “authority” figures, there’s a fair chance that she don’t rate you no’mo.

    3️⃣ Communicate. Talk to her about it as honestly as you can manage. It’s going to be a tough conversation and you might hear some things you’d struggle with but it’s a conversation that needs to happen

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