Recently , my brother found a girlfriend . First to clear things out and make everyone understand , when talking about my brother , I mean my best friend. I know him very close and we are all day together since last year when we started talking and hanging out on a daily basis. Today he has ended up being the most important person in my life , more important than my own family. He is always my number one priority. But recently he found a girlfriend , well not exactly though, he has been talking with a girl a introduced him exactly 5 days ago from today. Since then we have stopped doing some stuff we used to. Everynight for the last 3 days he has been calling her all night for 5-6 hours. Usually after midnight until 5-6am. Before he met the girl I introduced him with , we used to play games together at night or even sneak out from our houses to go to each others. Its hard to accept he is denying me know , even though a rule in our massive relationship says that we never put a girl over our brother. Which means I will always be more important than his girlfriend. When he met the girl he started acting weirldy , first taking my own phone away since I was the first one to talk to the girl , then he overtook my instagram account for a while , until he found a way to convince the girl to start talking via his own instagram account. This situation has led us to a lot of very intersting arguements you could say , arguements – convos. I’ve been really selfish , telling him that he should stop texting her all day and at night calling her all night while I still exist here. Now on the stuff he does that trigger my nerves and my selfishness. 1) He denies to end the call with her earlier to do something with me

2) he never allows me to take a good look at what they are saying to each other , and we i ask him if i could come and sleep to his he rejected because he wanted privacy with the girl. Generally he does all kinds of stuff that show me clearly that he doesn’t care anymore about me and him. What I am afraid of though is that my selfishness ends up annoying sometimes and that turns him angry , leaving me with the fear that someday the girl we become more important than I am.

He said it himself , this weird selfishness I show surprises him because he says I was never like this.

What I need help is bad and evil and some of you might disagree on this but , I would really appreciate advice on how to understand that it might be time for them to break up , i need the reason the evidence and the signs that their releasionship is weak and not good , even though its too early to judge that within the 5 days I and he knows her. Any kind of advice helping me understand the situation better is appreciated , even though I look like the bad guy here because apparently as he says i should be happy for him. Help please! In case the story doesn’t add up for any of you guys , i would accept all kinds of questions.

1 comment
  1. >even though a rule in our massive relationship says that we never put a girl over our brother. Which means I will always be more important than his girlfriend.

    I’m sorry, but that’s an unrealistic expectation. You aren’t going to be more important than his girlfriend, regardless of what kind of “rule” your relationship might have.

    If your friendship needs “rules” like that, it isn’t a very healthy friendship.

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