I’m a female in my early 30’s who’s been married for several years to a wonderful man I love. We have a near perfect relationship. Our one hang up has always been that he’s a very physical person who feels intimate connection almost exclusively through sexual relations and I have zero interest or desire for sex. We go through spurts where things get better but about 90% of the time this is an issue for us.

I make it a point to not turn him down when he wants it but it really bothers him that I basically never initiate. It makes him feel undesired and hurts his self esteem which I completely understand. I just don’t know how to change me. I WANT to want to have sex, but I don’t. I could go the rest of my life without sex and be fine with that. I can’t even say I have low libido, I have NO libido.

I 100% believe it’s me and not him. He’s very patient with me, very intimate and a very selfless lover. He’s always willing to go the extra mile to try to get me off if that’s what I want, which can be quite a task.

I’ve talked to my Dr, tried supplements she suggested and even tried the prescription Addyi for low libido with no results whatsoever. There’s one other injectable medication, Vyleesi I think it’s called, but according to my doctor she hasn’t seen very good success rates and has seen more negative side effects from it. I don’t know what else to do.

Has anyone ever felt like this and found something to help them? It’s really starting to affect my otherwise perfect marriage and it’s breaking my heart.

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