I (19mtf) lovee swallowing cum. I love giving oral, hell I even swallow my own cum. It’s very sexually stimulating to me. The only problem is that, no matter whose cum it is, it always makes my throat feel dry and scratchy the next day.

I always drink a lot of water to avoid this, maybe it helps a bit but ultimately that feeling is still there. I was scared at one point that it was an STD but I since got tested and came up negative. What’s happening, how can I avoid that feeling?

  1. Might have a mild allergy to it. Have you tried taking an antihistamine before hand?

  2. Cum is very alkaline, meaning the natural pH of the body is being neutralized by the semen. The mouth and throat have a pH of about 6.2-7.2 (slightly acidic) amd semen has a pH value of 7.5-8.0+(more basic). The acid base neutralization is what you might be feeling, not necessarily an allergic reaction. Best way to see if you have an allergy to cum is to allow the semen to rest on your lips, if they tingle after 5 or so minutes, then you are slightly allergic to it. Also, a clean penis will help with any potential for fungal infections from forming, which could be the potentiate of the scratchy feeling (unlikely).

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