Just wondering. My bf does this often going on for two months now. He’s pretty unreachable when he goes on his exploration at night after work. He says it keeps him distracted and it makes him feel good when he’s alone. He lives with his family and he’s pretty overwhelmed by everything and everyone right now (including me). I don’t take offense tbh, I know dealing with people can be tiring sometimes and I’m no saint.

I don’t think he’s doing anything sketchy. But I don’t know. Maybe you can explain this phenomenon cuz I can only understand it to an extent.

Edit: He does play Pokémon Go religiously if this info helps.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Killing vampires, what else?

    Well, I guess there’s also criminal activity.

  2. So basically he probably feels relaxed, because it’s night it’s dark no one on the street to look or criticize him, just him alone with his mind, he can leave all of the stuff that has tired him the whole day. Basically relaxing.

  3. Most people don’t “go exploring at night”.

    In saying that, there’s definitely been times when I’ve enjoyed just going for a night drive, play some music, back when I was smoking park up and have a couple of darts at the beach and just try to decompress. Wasn’t really in the best space, and it was a time I’d spend doing a lot of thinking.

  4. I often go out driving around alone. Being in the car, listening to whatever music you want, nothing to do but drive and vibe. Helps clear your mind. Distract you from the days stress.

  5. It’s just relaxing, I do the same. At night especially everything is so quiet and calming. Often I go sit next to a river and just exist, sometimes meditate too.

  6. He probably is doing something sketchy because nobody goes out alone at night for exploring.

  7. It is common–I’d do it more often, but I get stopped by the police. Read “Acquainted With The Night” by Robert Frost.

  8. Exploring abandoned buildings, ghost hunting, just drive around to cool places

  9. If I’m traveling, check out local beer houses and pizza places.

    Back home, I just order an espresso to go and drive around town to see what has changed.

  10. Sometimes you just need the near quiet. I still like hanging out in front of the gas station at 2 am. Got a slushie and free pizza, crickets, dull hum of the AC unit and lights, the crackhead has gone home for the night and the cop that normally patrols my neighborhood is just getting off work and bithcing to somebody about his wife via handsfree phonecall. Cant explaim why it brings oeace but it does.

  11. its the exploring bit that gets me lol

    if i get a bit overwhelmed i go a walk, stick my headphones on and go, can go pretty far sometimes maybe even have a seat somewhere

    would simply state to my wife im going a walk though lol

    in my head your boyfriend is hiding in bushes dressed as indiana jones

  12. Walk and think. Have arguments with myself or others in my head. Complain. Rubberduck a situation to myself. Get rid of excess energy due to frustration. A nice walk at night, a time where no one is going to call or expect something from me is a form of meditation.

  13. When I got my license I liked to deal with stress by going for a nightly drive with the phone off just listening to music.

    Now I’m older I enjoy the same idea, but just with going for a walk.

  14. Regularly goes exploring for a few hours at night? 😂

    Without a shadow of doubt he’s fucking someone

  15. Im not necessarily overwhelmed by anything but walking without a destination when you know there isn’t anything left to do is extremely relaxing, I imagine he doesn’t have responsibilities left after work so its the perfect time to just wander around doing nothing (also i think night is way more beautiful and peaceful than day).

  16. I haven’t done it recently but I’d go out into the countryside, a few miles at least, and look at the stars. It’s relaxing.

  17. My gf actually got into a conversation with her friends about me doing this pretty recently. I’d come home around 6, eat dinner and then go out for about an hour or so. I work in the city but live rural and have a forest just behind our house. My job can be pretty stressful at times and I struggle to handle city life. When I’m out in the night, the sound of the forest puts me at ease, the smell of dampness and moss, the cool air. It’s my little bit of heaven and helps me let go.

  18. Probably hookers. Or a mistress. Whatever it is, why do you want to date someone who allows himself to be uncontactable in this manner?

  19. I sit and listen to the ocean when i go biking with my friend. Maybe blast some minecraft music at 12AM. Its really calming. Feels like nirvana. I would totally recommend it to anyone who might want to take a break from the house or social life. Its ok to have your own time. It matters aswell

  20. It’s bs. He is doing something at night. If he won’t come clean explore other options. Why can’t he take you with him at night? Why are you part of the stress he is trying to get away from nightly???

  21. My dad always woke my sister and I up late at night when my mom left for work (night nurse), and took us out for drives. He told us wacky family stories, played classic rock, and picked up drive thru food. We’d have a lot of deep talks.

    Night drives stayed with me through college, when you’re broke and going to college in a town with nothing to do. It stayed with me in my 20’s after I needed to think after a bad breakup.

    Now I’ve gotten my husband to do night drives.

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