I’ve been following England vs Netherlands and it’s rare to see a country play it at the international level that wasn’t part of the British Empire at some point. I can’t imagine it’s particularly common in any case but worth a shot.

  1. I’ve seen it played. It was all Indian and or Pakistani IT workers playing but yeah, they played it. Other than that, never even hear of it.

  2. I was going to say that it’s totally non-existent in Spain, but I’ve seen to my surprise that there are some cricket clubs and even a cricket Spanish national team. I guess the clubs were founded by British immigrants in Spain because they tend to be in places with a big foreign population.

  3. meeting someone that recognises the name would be somewhat lucky, finding someone who knows the rules or watched it is close to impossible

    /edit in PL, dunno for IRE

  4. TIL we had a national cricket-team. AFAIK cricket is non-existent here, it’s an exclusive British sport, with their former colonies also playing it.

  5. There’s a bunch of pakistani immigrants who play cricket in my villages football field every saturday, but that’s about it. Cricket is widely known, but neither the natives nor any of the many british immigrants seem to be interested in it.

  6. I just saw people playing cricket for the first time at a field near my house. Yeah i was far but they looked Indian/Pakistani to me.

    Apparently we have a national team and even cricket organization. We just beat Estonia. Good to know 😀

  7. Popular enough that a decent sized town will probably have a team but unpopular enough that most people won’t actually know anyone who plays or even watches it. It definitely seems more popular with English people who moved up here or with Scottish-Indians and Scottish-Pakistanis.

  8. I see news about the German rugby national team every now and then, as they are somewhat good (meaning they are one of the better non-six-nations teams in Europe but still far away from being able to qualify for the world cup) and rugby has a small but very devoted fanbase here.

    But cricket?

    The only time I read about cricket being played in Germany was in a news story about how the national team played a friendly match against a random group of Afghan refugees and got totally creamed by them. That’s how big cricket is round here.

  9. In Austria, it bascially doesn’t exist in media. People probably know that there is a sport called Cricket, but that’s it.

  10. According to statista.com from 2021 it’s less popular than golf and sailing. It’s not even on the list.

    Personally I never heard of anyone playing or liking it.

  11. Well we have a film where all the inhabitants of a rural village in southern Italy prentend to be on a cricket team because a doctor they want to attract is a huge cricket fan

    Image of said cricket team at minute 1.13 of the trailer

    The whole village watching a cricket match on tv minute 1.38 onwards


    Apart from this I have never seen an Italian play or watch cricket

  12. Not massively popular. The T20 in Cardiff is seen as a good day out which does attract reasonably okay crowds, but beyond that its a relatively minor sport. Very few people follow cricket or would go to a test match in Cardiff. It doesn’t help that we don’t have a national team to cheer on, so interest in the international tournaments is low.

  13. We did it in pe as it was just baseball for people too bad for baseball to us

  14. 90% will have absolutely no idea what it is. The other 10% will know it involves hitting a ball with a board.

  15. Not at all. I’m sure you can find clubs if you really look for them but it’s not popular at all. I’ve personally only seen a cricket field once in my life (in Australia), failed to recognise it (for obvious reasons), asked the gentlemen training and they answered like I was a very strange person for not knowing this very popular sport down under.

  16. I think I’ve never ever heard/read anything about it in the news. Honestly, finding a person who knows the rules would be a miracle, and I’d bet plenty of people don’t even know that there is a sport called “cricket”. Or, they know, but they don’t even have a vague idea of what the sport looks like.

  17. Non existent really. I quite like it tbf but football is the main sport and it’s my only sport that I follow religiously anyway.

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