What have you given up recently due to rising costs?

  1. Sushi đŸ„ș but also bird seed for the wild birds…my cats prescription cat food. Canceling my health insurance. Canceling most of our subscriptions

  2. No more lash extensions 🙁 also not going out to eat as often, stopped getting drinks at coffee shops unless I don’t have time to make my own and cut out a lot of online shopping. Also canceled a recent tattoo appointment that would have cost me $900 🙁

  3. my nyt subscription, ordering food outside, and driving (gas prices are not really it atm đŸ„Č)

  4. Fresh food. Even though it’s not the best for my body, frozen foods are a good investment for preserving most fruits and vegetables these days.

  5. i used to eat alot of chicken, but substituting that with canned tuna atm

  6. Haven’t gotten new ink or piercings in 2+ years

    Concerts are a thing of the past

    I barely touch alcohol

  7. Spotify. And I always have to reconsider if I was thinking of driving somewhere more than 30 miles round trip

  8. Hot showers.
    Gas prices in Germany rise in an insane amount, so no more hot water. Lukewarm will have to do

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