Just a random thought, is it more polite to avoid extending an interaction, e.g. if moving out of the way of someone and they thank you, and you don’t say anything back, or to say you’re welcome/no worries or any such variation?

I feel like it might be more awkward sometimes to say something, especially if they are passing you. Thoughts?

  1. A quick “no worries” or a smile and a nod if they are looking at you will suffice for the majority of situations.

    As an aside, here in Portugal you cannot say “Obrigado” (Thanks) without a “De Nada” being pinged back..

  2. > and they thank you, and you don’t say anything back

    That’s just rude, the absolute minimum response should be a smile and a nod to acknowledge them.

  3. This would be a good interaction for moving out of someones way imo:
    -Excuse me
    -No worries

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