What was your dream job as a kid, and what do you do now?

  1. I wanted to be an FBI agent – like all thru elementary school and thru highschool.

    I uhhh, dodged a real bullet there, and now I do finance. lol

  2. I wanted to be an astronaut soooo bad. Now I work in an escape room and try to want anything bad enough to do anything about it, and fail to.

  3. I wanted to be a spacefaring scientist, instead I am a bartender at what is essentially margaritaville šŸ¤”

  4. Astronaut

    Systems Admin

    Heart Murmur, poor vision and Asthma, oh well, that’s life

  5. I wanted to be a sports photographer going to all the big sporting eventsā€¦

    I work in a cubicle for a university now.

  6. Astronomer.

    About to start my PhD in Astronomy.

    We’ll see where it goes from here.

  7. I never knew how to answer that one as a kid to be honest, I didnā€™t really want to be anything. Iā€™m a geologist now and I enjoy it!

  8. Dream job was a National Geographic photographer. The idea of traveling full time appealed to me. I became a firefighter. Most of all I just never wanted a desk job.

  9. I wanted to play basketballā€¦.topped out at 5ā€™7. Quit playing after Middle School and now Iā€™m applying to Med School lol.

  10. As a kid I wanted to play in the NFL , then I wanted to play in a band. I was a sound man for Concerts for about 5 years.

    Worked as a Tech for the FAA for my career, finished as a Technical Operations Manager. Retired a couple of years ago.

  11. I wanted to be a musician – a professional flute player, specifically. I am a musician but I couldnā€™t cut it to be a pro flute player, too much competition. But I am an executive in the music biz so itā€™s not a bad compromise.

  12. I always wanted to be a professional hitman. Now iā€™m the Nurse Manager of an opiate addiction treatment center.

  13. Dream job? I had several.

    -Train engineer
    -Park ranger
    -History teacher
    -i thought about joining the navy

    What do I do? I’m a welder, something I didn’t even think about becoming until about a year ago.

  14. Veterinarian…like every other basic b. I actually almost became a vet tech, but hen I realized that I could NEVER emotionally handle it. Now I work in raw materials sales, food grade/pharmaceuticals.

  15. Soldier. Am currently a soldier… though my childhood perception of it turned out to be substantially different than the reality of the job.

  16. A spy. I wanted to join the CIA and do all sorts of shady things overseas.

    Temporarily unemployed right now.

  17. Touring musician. I just wanted to make a living playing my guitar on ā€œworldā€ tours through North America and Europe although Iā€™d be just as happy playing in Asia, South America, or Africa

    I do work as an extra and actor when I can I suppose. Iā€™m also trying to get into modeling and Iā€™ve been thinking of looking into a coding bootcamp or something for a little pocket change when my ā€œstandardā€ jobs are slow

  18. Things I wanted to be as a kid in chronological order:

    A fire truck.

    A race car driver.

    An NFL quarterback.

    An astronaut.

    A lawyer.

    A rockstar.

    Work in construction… and now I’m a little depressed.

  19. First, it was a meteorologist, then I wanted to do something space-related.

    I now work in the space industry as a material sciences engineer.

  20. Dana Scully.

    Homemaker, hopefully SAHM.

    A big pro is that if we have a child it wonā€™t be at risk for alien abduction & giving up for adoption for safety, or being fathered by my husbandā€™s arch nemesis.

  21. Wanted to be a storm chaser. Iā€™m now a senior in the meteorology program at university and officially did my first research focused chase last week šŸ˜€

  22. After I learned that Garbage Men got to keep the things they found in the trash, I decided as a young child I wanted to be a Garbage Man.

    Now I work in social services.

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