I’m from a country where people, men or women, don’t take on their spouse’s last name after marriage. Everyone just keeps their own family name. I understand that in the US it’s most common for women to take their husband’s last name, so I was wondering if this is the go-to among people in same-sex marriages or if it’s a rater thing in that demographic.

  1. Depends on the couple. Some will choose one last name to both use, some do hyphenated last names, and some just keep their separate last names.

  2. It’s rare for gay couples to take their spouse’s last name. I’ve seen it happen, but it’s very rare.

  3. I know two gay couples, one hyphenated the other couple took one of their last names. Mostly because the person who took their spouses name wanted to drop their last name due to their family’s issue with their sexuality. Tragic, really. I think every couple is different, but I also think it’s rare.

  4. It would depend on the couple.

    Amongst people I know, hyphenated last names seem to be common.

  5. I am not aware of any data studies on the topic, but logically I surmise that same sex marriages are less likely to have either person change their names at all, compared to differing sex marriages.

  6. I don’t know if it’s rare. I only know that my SIL took my sister’s name when they got married.

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