Men who didn’t fall in love for the first time until you were an adult (e.g., in your 20s) how did you know you were in love?

  1. For me, it was love at first sight. The minute I saw her and talked with her, I knew I couldn’t be away from her. It was a long distance relationship and when I traveled to be with her for a long weekend, I wound up delaying my return by several days and spent money I didn’t have just to be around her as long as I could. Every time I came to be with her and had to leave after that, it literally felt like my world was ending, if only just a little bit. That’s how I knew.

  2. Why the “who didn’t fall in love for the first time until you were an adult” should matter?

  3. For me it was when they started opening up, she was a confident person, calm, cool and collected and very attractive. Then there’s me a goof ball.. but when she started opening up, I thought I just thought this is a precious and rare moment. I suppose her trust in me led me into falling head over heels for her.

  4. I thought that: *I would trust him with my life.* I never trust people.

    I also thought that: *if we had no bodies and were disembodied spirits, I would still want to listen to him talk to the end of my days,* I loved hearing his random rambles everything he had to say. I couldn’t get enough of his voice.

    And I was also super *sexually, emotionally, intellectually, psychologically* attracted to him, like I needed to possess him. I didn’t care how many obstacles were in my way, I needed to be with him. He embodied the spirit of **”all’s fair in love and war”.**

    I also found his insecurities super endearing. He always compared himself to supermodels etc and found himself short. He was a 10+/10 in every way for me. I couldn’t even put a numerical value in how I found him attractive because quite frankly, I wanted to make love to him and fk him like an animal in every way possible every day.

    So sad he didn’t appreciate me in the same way…

  5. She is a beautiful & very attractive person, but it was never about that to me. For me, it was the ability to talk forever, not be on our phones around each other, & the ability to just sit & talk about anything & laugh so much.

  6. The first time I met her I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. It was like somebody designed her perfectly just for me. The following days I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I dream of her so often and every time I see her, I feel like a corpse that was suddenly resurrected.

  7. I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I don’t know if I was romantically attracted to her or if I wanted to be a really good friends with her.

  8. When I realized that for literally years every time I’d visited one of my friends I’d been hoping she’d be there too. And that I was basically counting down to the next time I could see her.

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