Why do blonde women have the stereotype for being dumb?

  1. I got joke books from my dad and my uncle that were published in the 60s and 70s and which are …not PC.

    But what’s notable and relevant is that a lot of the “dumb Pole” jokes in those books are what I remember from being a kid in the 90s as “dumb blonde” jokes.

    Poles are very often blonde also.

    That’s been my working theory.

  2. It’s a dated and sexist stereotype/ joke based on the premise that women can be attractive or they can be smart, but not both.

  3. Probably the 1950s “Blondes have all the fun” stereotype.

    Maybe, initially, Marilyn Monroe can sell the fun image with elegance but eventually with that comes an image of a ditzy blonde who uses her looks rather than her brains to get what she wants.

  4. It’s a stereotypes from old American times like the 80’s where women where expected to be illiterate. Media such as movies and television further pushed the idea to the point where it’s something most people assume and has become a common trope in writing.

    Nowadays, it’s hardly use and mostly used when referring to people from very rich and well off areas like Los Angles.

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