My boyfriend was scrolling through Twitter and saw this attractive female. He stopped and scrolled through her profile due to curiosity. Is this normal or disrespectful?

  1. Normal imo if he wasn’t getting like super into her profile. A bit of distant interest in attractive people is natural. That’s why people like to watch movies and interviews of attractive actors and stuff

  2. Absolutely normal. I mean you go to tik tok.. there are men making thrift traps by cutting wood logs and cooking seductively and comments are filled with women calling them all sort of inappropriate things.

  3. Im sorry *he can’t be curious*? Or he *won’t* for your sake? or *he can be curious as long as he doesn’t in any fashion cheat on you* type of curious? Context means everything sister.

  4. People are being hard on you but I think its a pretty normal worry to have so long as it results in communication. If he did it in front of you, he obviously doesnt see it as cheating (or doesnt care what you think, but i doubt that)

  5. Hey it’s normal for guys have a look at pictures of other women in insta or in outside.

    I sometimes look at my gf’s classmate in front of her to make her jealous, she gets jealous, it’s just for fun.

    but one thing we keep things transparent between us, she tells me everything n i tell her everything.

  6. Honestly he shouldn’t have social media, and neither should you, but if y’all are going to have it he is going to check out hot girls, just like you are going to look up to celebrities. And maybe if you are super pure you might deserve better but I doubt it,

  7. I think they are always curious and women are too. It’s okay to appreciate another’s beauty. What I’m not okay with is cheating

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