What kind of lighting do you prefer when having sex?

  1. I’m curious about this because I recently read some couple’s account that they only had vanilla sex in the dark with lights off…

    I was kind of shocked because to be honest, I’ve never had sex in the dark before. I think it’s so important to make eye contact and see each other’s bodies and just connect on a spiritual level, and I think that would be hard to do if you’re just groping each other in the dark with the lights off!

    So tell me gentlemen, do you prefer to have sex in the dark or with lights on?

  2. candle light or in front of the fireplace is always nice. Can’t help but wonder how much of humanity was conceived by firelight.

  3. Black light, led colored lights, daylight, candle light, just as long as I can see her.

  4. Enough to look into her eyes, not enough to highlight my dad bod. So generally, lights off, but the urban light pollution pouring in through a window.

  5. I have an led color changing light. I have it switch gently between red, pink, and purple

  6. Bright lights, i can’t see that good in the dark. Like sex in the morning is bomb, if you’ve never had it you’re missing out

  7. Ambient lighting typically. Enough to see what one is doing.

    If we are recording a session then more direct lighting is needed otherwise the video is not as clear to watch later.

  8. Soft lights, not stark lights. We have a red light too which is cool. But yeah I want to see what’s happening for sure.

  9. Soft, warm light is very good for setting the mood, but I really like to see everything so I usually just go for full lighting

  10. I like to be able to see because the visual is an important part of what gets me turned on. As long is I can see I don’t care if the light is deemed or whatever

  11. I have an “Ok Google, set the mood” command for my setup that sets the lights to teal and orange and lowers the brightness to 5%. Bright enough to see what you’re doing, dark enough to add some spice to things.

  12. In the day I want natural sunlight, in the night I want it a bit dimmed to make it a naughty night mood.

  13. I definitely prefer daytime sex or with the light on. It doesn’t need to be bright but I like being able to see. It just makes sex better. I don’t like missing out on all the visual cues when have sex in the dark.

  14. I prefer to do it right in the middle of the field under stadium lights. The referees usually get pretty angry about it though.

  15. Dark with the tv on. Just enough light to see what I’m doing but so much that it blinds me.

  16. I don’t know about everyone else but men are ‘visual’ creatures when it comes to sex. Eye contact, looking at your partner’s facial expressions, how her body is reacting to your own. Turn the lights off and leave the bathroom lights on and the door ajar about halfway. The 5 year old is sleeping in the bed so put down a comfy blanket and go at it like 2 rabbits on the bedroom floor.

  17. Full fucking spotlight, exhibition-style.


    My wife prefers the bedroom consumed by the lord of darkness, her covenant allows no shining rays to trespass into the sacred realm.


    Compromises are made.

  18. Put a red light in one of your side lamps, don’t tell your woman and turn it on during sex, watch her go wild and thank me later lol

  19. morning light. “ohhh nothin could be fine-ah than to be in your vagina, in the moooroorrning. “

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