for starters, i(19M) and my gf(19F) have been dating for 1.5 years now. i really do love her and i know she loves me. we’re in a long distance relationship due to her attending college and me being military. nothing about her character nor the talks we’ve had before indicate she would and im her first relationship. but i just can’t shake the feeling or idea that she’s secretly involved with someone else? i’ve had numerous nightmares about it, i keep getting a reoccurring gut feeling about it, and it just makes me overall doubt everything she tells me. It’s like not knowing 100% with proof kills me and always leaves my mind to doubt her. i don’t use it to control any aspect of her nor what she does, but it’s just something that eats me up. How can i stop thinking like this? What do i do?


I don’t trust my gf completely despite her not giving any signs of cheating. How to stop thinking like this or to trust my gut?

  1. Isn’t that kinda part of the ldr. I mean, is it that you’re irrationally afraid of her secretly being in love with someone else or that you fear she will meet someone new in person and all that to take priority over you

  2. Dude break up with her. Even the peace of mind you will have not reliving that fear will be worthwhile.

  3. I mean… Did you ask her? From your post it seems like you just kept it to yourself. You are in LDR you need to be able to ask each other this stuff. I’m also in LDR and i think most people just naturally need more reassurance

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