Getting back into the dating scene after a recent break up and would love some advice on my profile. I’m a pretty intentional dater, not looking for casual hook ups, so I want that to be clear, but I worry I seem a little too serious. Would love any *constructive & kind* advice 🙂



  1. – I’m confused by looking for long relationship, but open to short. That will attract the situationship crowd and you said you don’t want hookup in your post.

    – I like the variety of your pics, but I feel like you need more direct pics? Like if I saw you I’m not sure I’d recognize you because most of the pics are at an angle/far away.

    – I think it’d be great to maybe make a joke about being a matchmaker, but being on an app. I feel like that has to come up.

  2. not a huge fan of your photos. You only have one that’s of a straight angle of your face but you’re not smiling. You’re quite attractive so you got nothing to hide (also I really don’t like sunglasses photos as the main photo because the face is so obscured)

    Prompts are good but I’d elaborate on “French KISS”; I think it’ll show off your sense of humor (like how you thought of it, what made it French, etc)

  3. Looks great to me.

    On a side note, where is that Burt Reynolds bust, and do you have a framed copy of the cosmo spread in your home?

  4. I wouldn’t put “open to short term relationships” if you are ideally looking for long-term.

    Your hair looks very different when comparing pics. In color and length. I’m not sure if all of the pics are recent, but if I were a guy I would wonder about this.

  5. Let me disqualify myself first before I give some really simple totally honest feedback. I’ve never dated online or used any of these apps.

    You only have one photo that’s a clear picture of your face. That would give me pause. What angle is she hiding?

    Good luck.

  6. I’m going to add on to the picture thing. You are very attractive, but the first picture has a hat and sunglasses. Others have sunglasses, profile views, and taken from a good distance. Be confident in who you are and show it by showing you.

  7. All you need is a better main imo. Your current you have sunglasses and a hat. Just a get a nice clear shot from the shoulders up.

  8. 34f here too – i’d have to re-read your profile but i actually really like it! i like the photo of you with the flowers; i would make that your first photo 🙂

  9. 2nd picture is just okay. Your pictures aren’t directly showing your face. It seems like you haven’t healed and holding back and you’re not ready and you just want casual.

  10. I think it looks pretty good, and if I saw your profile come up I would definitely send you a message.

    That being said, I would consider replacing the tropical photo. It gives a good sense of things you like to do, but you can’t see your face either. I’d consider the new one not having sunglasses also, since you’re wearing them in many of the other photos. Also, the prompts you answered are a little on the short side, like french kiss…perhaps add a little more?

  11. Love it. The jasmine photo is gorgeous. The prompts are generic (except the french KISS costume).

    Try to find something more specific for your prompts that describe the qualities instead of outright saying them. Like ‘discovering what’s in the next tidepool’ or ‘debating why we’re here until the bartender kicks us out’.

    Don’t tell me ‘what makes you happy’ or ‘how to get to know me’, show me a little blurb about what it looks like.

    I would hesitate to take out ‘short term’ like others recommend, but I’m not afraid of situationships and how they might evolve or devolve, so might just be me.

  12. – I wouldn’t recommend using the Halloween costume prompt in general, but if you are going to use it, why not have a pic of the costume?

    – I agree about the other comments about your pics – none of them are bad but overall there’s not enough of a good image of what you look like except for number 2.

    – You being a matchmaker might be kind of intimidating lol, but I’m not going to tell you to change your job for a dating app.

    – Overall though – you’re super cute and seem interesting!

  13. You are from Somerset, KY?! No way! I used to spend every summer down there soaking up as much of Lake Cumberland as I could.

    Also, I like your profile! You’re very cute. I would maybe consider getting rid of the picture of you in the fancy chair only showing your profile. I don’t get a good sense of what you look like from it and it looks a little forced.

  14. You are exactly the type of profile I would send a message to, but I don’t see any easy clever conversation starters. Leaving some more open ended statements on your profile will get you better engagement. Maybe something like an example of how you have gotten outside your comfort zone, this will give guys a chance to relate and it would be an easy conversation starter.

  15. I don’t really think there is anything wrong with your page. I feel like I bet a pretty good sense of who you are and what you enjoy.

    I always swipe left on people with pronouns in their bio, but that’s a personal preference. I think you’ll find more or “your people” if you keep them in there.

    Good luck to you! 33F here and dating is TOUGH.

  16. Can only see your face really well in one photo (second one), and it’s your best photo. I would move it to first, but keep the photo with Burt reynolds statue, that is awesome.

    I’d say add at least one more recent photo where you can see your face very clearly.

    It cuts off the “open to short…” – don’t know what that says but if you are only looking for longterm I’d take that off.

    Really like your first prompt response (Nature rocks!). Others are good too but Only thing I could suggest is maybe replace one with something that talks about your hobbies or interests, which leads to better, easier conversations at least to get started, in my opinion.

    Fwiw, I’d (35M) swipe right.

  17. I’m clearly in the minority here, but as a 36m on hinge I wouldn’t message because the answers seem fairly generic and nothing stands out. Other than the pretty locations and the love of nature, this bio is a good fit for most folks.

    Yes, I like to travel. But where? Why? Deep conversations with close friends…well isn’t that what close friends are for? What are the deep conversations about?

    You talk about getting out of comfort zones and being out of your element but I don’t really get a sense for what your element/comfort zone is, let alone what I could do as a potential match to accommodate that.

    I know his sounds harsh, I don’t mean to be rude. You seem like a really nice person and I’m sure this profile will get a ton of hits.

    But there’s this trope that i think a lot of us get in when we make our profiles. I call it the “aspirational bio” where we talk about what we want (either out of ourselves, the person or the relationship) more than who or what we actually are.

    If you are looking to connect with someone to have a meaningful relationship, be specific. You aren’t casting a net, you’re lighting a beacon.

  18. Hey, you’re doing great! I like the photo with the flower – it’s a little sly and shows your face. Maybe lead with that. I agree with others that the sunglasses photos are a tough sell. But you look lovely in the white dress, so that’s a keeper. the Gatsby-esque shot is great – you look great and it shows personality – and the travel photo shows adventure. The only one I’d suggest swapping quickly is the last one, which is too out of focus to do any favors. Swap that for an in-focus face-forward shot, no shades 🙂

    If I saw you on the apps in New Mexico, I’d mash the like button! Good luck!

  19. I like all your photos and disagree to an extent with the comments to have more direct shots. Maybe just my style but I rather see photos of people how they are in the world than getting too caught up on looks or “are they hiding something”

    I like that there’s good content to lead enough conversation starters; career, Halloween costume, advertisement…

    I wish I had constructive criticism to help. I agree with others to remove the looking for “something short” to weed out the fluff, then the only other thing would be change location to the west coast but that’s probably a reach.

    Good luck, I’m sure your right match will come.

  20. The first pic is weakest. I’d swap for any of the others which are more flattering and show more of your self 🙂

  21. I’m a 33m. You’re two best pictures are your flower picture and ice cream picture. Maybe keep the one with you facing away with the tropical feel, because it’s a nice full body with a travel story behind it.
    The Burt Reynolds picture is not flattering, and while the hotel lobby with the cool dress had potential the lighting is terrible and you’re washed out so it’s hard to see you.

    Out of all your pics I would go with the ice cream pic as the primary pic.

  22. I’d swipe left as there’s only one picture where I can clearly see what you look like. Good luck 😊

  23. do you always wear loose fitting clothes ? do you have one form fitting outfit you could include in one pic?

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