a coworker of mine asked me out and i originally rejected them because we are coworkers and i didn’t want to pursue anything because i value my job and didn’t want anything to be awkward. yet i talked to them afterwards and decided to just give it a go, go on a date and see how it goes. we had just started talking and at a social event they asked to kiss me. i originally was like “…now? really?” but once again decided to just bite the bullet. i thought it’d be an innocent peck but was immediately turned off when they got on top of me and pretty much violently made out with me, tongue and everything. i was really uncomfortable but didn’t stop it.

a few days go by and they text me a bunch of paragraphs afraid that i’ll be “scared away” by their “true character”. we hadn’t even gone on a date yet. (??) so i just said i’m not mentally able to handle a relationship right now, which is true. they then texted me this giant paragraph about how they like the way i smell and attract people, and said they had a fantasy about giving me a blowjob. one of my friends said it was harassment but i didn’t say i was uncomfortable and didn’t stop the kiss so i don’t know what to label it as. i just overall feel really gross.

i want to stop talking to them but we’re coworkers and are in a lot of mutual groups so i’m just in a bad position.

i don’t know if it’s wrong of me to feel like this even though i didn’t stop the kiss and haven’t told them that i’m uncomfortable. i just was really turned off by it. way too much way too fast.

  1. Just try to distance yourself from them. Hopefully they take the hint, and leave you alone. If they don’t, politely tell them you’re not interested. If they bother you after that, reporting it to HR is fair game!

  2. 1. This guy is a creep
    2. You need to create a system to filter out creeps

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