There’s a guy in my class \[20M\] that I \[19F\] am kinda friends with but he sends me mixed signals. He sticks to himself generally, I’m the only person in that class he talks to and it’s taken a while to get to this point. He will *sometimes* text me back and rarely initiates conversation with me but he watches me throughout class so I’m confused. Sometimes he waits or lingers as if hoping I’ll acknowledge him but he rarely if ever says hi to me first. We started talking after one day I told him I liked his shirt. A week later I told him that again and walked away. He ran after me to ask me about my shirt and then we walked together. Later on we were texting and he suddenly stopped answering (we were in a group chat and I texted him individually, I didn’t directly ask for his number). Since then it’s been more of the same, we’re on more familiar terms and we talk sometimes but it’s almost always initiated by me. I considered that maybe he’s just really shy but he does other things like not answer texts that make me think otherwise. Once I texted him a picture (as a joke) and he didn’t reply. The next day he approached me for the first time and showed me the picture and made a joke about it, it was funny he replied to a text in person. When I end up talking to him he’s super friendly and easygoing, he seems happy to talk to me it’s just difficult to get to the point where I get to have a conversation with him.

I want to befriend him further but I also don’t want to annoy him or put in effort where I’m not getting anything back, so I don’t really know what to do about it. He’s said he’d be down to study but he never approaches me. I wish he’d just completely leave me alone if he doesn’t want to be friends instead of just watching me because I don’t know whether to give up or not. I can’t tell why he does this and it’s all so painfully drawn out I almost want to go up to him and tell him say the word and I’ll leave you be.

Any thoughts?

TL;DR : Guy in my class sends me mixed signals, not sure whether to leave him alone or not.

1 comment
  1. I honestly think you’re overthinking it. He may be the type of person who’s terrible at initiating plans, hence the “let’s study sometime” and never following through.

    You said he keeps to himself for the most part- Maybe he’s just not super social? That could explain why he doesn’t answer your texts often.

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