How do you ladies hide your emotions when you are secretly in love with someone?

  1. I don’t hide it personally, but if i ever did, I’d just act distant i guess?

    But I’m an upfront person I’d just go “hey I’m into you” and wait for a response

  2. Love is a choice, not just reliant on emotions or feelings. I choose to love my husband in good times and in bad times, even when he upsets me or I’m in a bad place mentally. I may be attracted to others, but attraction is not love and when I think about how awesome my husband is, it’s easy to move past attractions. I wouldn’t want to hurt him with any behaviors towards another and that motivates me to redirect my focus away from anyone else.

    Thinking back to before I was married, any “feelings” for anyone that I needed to suppress we’re also just attraction.

  3. That would be a silly thing to do. They might feel the same. Why not take the chance? Worst that could happen is nothing. In any case, if I were being silly, I would just ignore the person or make a point of calling them friend, pal or buddy.

  4. I think if I reached to the point of loving someone, that would mean I was close enough to them to tell them that.

  5. Why would I hide it? That sounds unnecessarily stressful. If I like someone, I tell them.

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