My ex and I broke up recently because he had been dating another girl for about 8 months and I had no clue. That is another story. But after having time by myself for the first time in 8 years, I’ve come to realize I have no clue how to date. I have been with him since I was a kid. He was my first love, I have never even thought about being with anyone else. I thought I would be with him for the rest of my life.
Although I am using this time to try and heal I am a big worrier and I think about this daily. I’m worried that I may never find someone and if I do that that guy might be just as bad of a person as my ex. I don’t want my trust to be betrayed again because it’s the worst pain in the world. Even with this anxiety I still want to try eventually to date. I’m sure people have come back from worse, much later in life. But I am a super shy, insecure girl. I know I’m going to have troubles opening up to anyone.
I want to find a genuinely good guy to spend my life with someday but I don’t know where to start.

  1. You shouldn’t date if you have baggage and serious hangup. You need to fix these issues first

  2. As a 32m whose wife cheated and left last year after a 16yr total relationship I completely understand where you are coming from. Make sure you do the bulk of the healing before entering another relationship. I think the whole trusting thing will have to be a leap of faith and understanding not everyone you meet will do that to you. I’d love to take someone on a date just to see if dating is something I want to do and see what it is all about because high-school dating is a lot different from adult dating from all the posts I see on here. But I also know if I need to be careful how I react in situations because I don’t want my insecurities from my past relationship to affect my future ones.

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