My boyfriend (18m) never lets me (18f) talk to him about things that I’ve done or do that bother him. He will spontaneously message me a paragraph about something that I did that bothered him then never talk about it again or let me address the issue. He’ll say something like “oh you did this and I didn’t like it and blah blah blah” and then when I try to apologize or say “I didn’t realize that would have this effect on you what can I do better?” He ignores me completely and just pretends nothing happened. Recently I told him that he just makes me feel like garbage when he does this because I feel like there’s no way for anything to be fixed or worked through if he won’t let me. He told me he just likes telling me what bothers him but that he doesn’t need a solution he just wants to tell me. I don’t know what to say to him or how I should react.
My boyfriend tells me things I do wrong then won’t let me talk about it with him and when I told him how it makes me feel he said it makes him feel better to tell me but that he doesn’t want a solution.

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