Pretty much the title, it feels really wrong but I like doing it because I have crushes I guess. I’m bi so I do it over some of my girl friends too which also seems creepy to me and I just feel like I’m kinda disrespecting them by doing it? Is that something that other people feel or just me?

  1. I guess looking at their actual pictures crosses the line for me. Maybe that’s arbitrary. Plenty of people have thoughts about wanting to sleep with other people. But once you start using them as your porn without their knowledge, that kinda sets off alarm bells. But that’s just me.

  2. It really depends on the feelings of the specific person you’re masturbating to. Some people would be uncomfortable with it, some would be flattered, while others wouldn’t care.

    Since you shouldn’t ask each person, “I masturbate to pictures of you. Cool with that?”, the best way to go about this is taking the cautious route and simply not doing it.

  3. I felt that way for a long time. Eventually, you realize it’s your head, they never have to know and sometimes it’s the precursor to something more developing.

    Using their pics (as you just stated) is… idk… that seems icky to me. But if it’s just in your head and not obsessively so I’m of the opinion your brain is no one’s business but your own.

  4. If it makes you feel better I’m a girl in her early 20s and I do it too….. thinking about a guy at work so imagine how frustrating it is 😂

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