I (31F) spent a few days with this guy \[27m\], met two times in these last two weeks. He works abroad and he was in vacation in our home country when we saw each other. I thought it was going to be a casual thing because he doesn’t live here but in the end I liked him a lot and thought he liked me too.

He brought me gifts in our second date, a headscarf because I wear them a lot and a bracelet, nothing expensive. He seemed very into me, very cuddly all the time. Sex was great too. We really connected, (at least I thought so) chatted for hours.

It’s been a few days I last saw him and he doesn’t text me or try to communicate me in any way. Though he sends me his new Wordle results every day and wants me to play as well? I don’t understand why he does this everyday even though he doesn’t contact me in any other way? I wouldn’t have texted him at all after we saw each other because he doesn’t live here but he’s actively looking for work here to come back to our country and he’ll come again in a month or so even if he doesn’t find a job here. Since he acted so close to me I figured we might see each other more when he comes again. I’ve texted everyday and he always responded quickly, but I stopped after I realized he only replies and never starts conservation.

He does seem a bit socially awkward and he admitted he is shy. And I’m autistic so I usually have a hard time understanding social cues, especially when people aren’t acting completely clear like this. Should I try to talk to him about this or casually text him once in a while? Or should I stop contacting him altogether? Do you think I’m being pushy and bothering him?

1 comment
  1. One thing I realised is sometimes, at least for some people,it’s harmless to remind them once or twice that they can in fact hit you up to start a convo. You’d be surprised how reassuring that can be for some awkward personalities. If it seems like you ought to remind them more than say 3 times, you can either ask why they find it hard or you advice yourself.

    Based on your post I think you can casually let him know that he should start a conversation with you on his own once in a while.

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