When have you experienced “if you build it, they will come”?

  1. Yes. This one time I helped my dad build a bird house. Another time a bird feeder. And we also assembled a bird bath.

    If you build them, they (birds) will come.

  2. When we re-did the pool and got half the kids in the neighborhood asking if they could swim. Fuck them kids.

  3. About 10 years ago, a mate and I rented a small space in the back of a pub to screen rare and lost cult films to our friend group.

    Word spread, and more and more people wanted to come. We expanded it over the course of a year, and eventually when the demand was getting ridiculous decided to rent a big venue and turn it into a proper event: ticketed, open to the public, percentage of our takings paid to the venue.

    It sold out within seconds. But the night was a disaster. The general public being the classic general public complained about the films, the quality of the print, the seating, everything.

    The experience was so poor that we decided to end our venture entirely. Never screened another film again, even for our friends.

    We built it, they came, and then we realised that we never wanted them to come in the first place.

  4. Farm cat at my dads place got real familiar with us so we built him a lil cat house with a bed in the back of the shed. Theres now 8 cats

  5. I cut down my corn field in Iowa and built a baseball field in its place…

  6. Gambling canopies at music festivals. Word gets out quick. The stripper tent was a masterpiece on paper but was more trouble than it was worth and quickly got disbanded.

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