I am 29 and trying to take on more risk right now and not play it safe, what risk would be best to take on now that can help me down the road?

  1. I would have divorced my wife and began the journey that led me to where I am today. It’s true that I might not have been mentally or emotionally prepared as I was when I got divorced just before turning 40. And my marriage was not a bad one all the time, nor was she abusive. We simply weren’t right for each other. And it might have been nice to spend my 30s exploring the lifestyle that I love so much now.

  2. I would take the risk of going back to school to get a degree in something that I am passionate about.

  3. No risks, but spend more time with my mum. She had two life threating emergencies since and I’m not even far from 29.

  4. I would’ve trained in preventive medicine and public health rather than internal medicine.

  5. I was sent a prospectus for Pixar and I passed. It was $2000 for but that was all the money we had. My wife made a big deal out of the fact that the price of the stock was like 83 cents a share right before they came out with Toy Story.

  6. I was 29 during the pandemic. So I would go back and try to learn to cook better.

  7. I would drop out of my second relationship at that time and don’t start the ones that came afterwards. And I would entirely focus on my career and hobbies.

  8. Depends on what kind of risks you’re talking about? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do in life? A hobby? An event or activity? Do them. Life is short and as you get older the time you have for yourself gets harder to come by.

    If you’re talking financially or occupation wise, invest in a 401k as early as you can. If you hit the max you can put in that open you’re own IRA account or try investing, something that is a long term investment. Put money into savings. And if you can apply for a better job then risk it for the biscuit. When I was in a dead end job and looking for another I found a job that paid 1/3 more, was salaried, and way better but I didn’t hit the requirements. I applied, interviewed, and got the job anyway.

    If you want to be more risky, invest in short term investments, try an adrenaline rushing activity, try going on a solo trip, try a new hobby or something you’d never do. I had a buddy who tried standup comedy just because. I did sky diving. Had a buddy go backpacking across Europe.

  9. I would not do this now because property is about to tank, but I should have bought and rented property. Maybe in 5 years when we hopefully climb out of whatever is coming.

  10. I guess I would make the decisions I made a year later a year earlier considering they are some of the most important ones that I’ve made and potentially could help me solve an issue I’ve been facing my entire life.

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