So basically lately the head of my penis gets raw super easily. It’s been happening often enough that I went to the local health department to get a full std panel. All clear there

It seems like wether I masturbate or have sex it can trigger the head of my penis getting raw.

With that being said I don’t usually just go right to town when having sex. Usually there is a fair bit of foreplay and in ideal situations I get get the women off before we even have sex

And when I masturbate I usually use lotion or Uber lube. But it seems like even if I take it slow it can still get raw.

Does anyone have any advice or direction?

Just some info. I myself am uncut and I do take special care when I wash the head of my penis. I pull back the skin and rinse with just some water. I rarely use soap. Than I pat dry.

I also usually masturbate everyday and have sex about every other day.

And advice would be greatly appreciated

  1. I was actually talking to a guy once who had to get his foreskin cut because his penis was still growing but the foreskin was not which led to kinda what you are describing. Eventually the skin ripped during sex and that’s when he got it removed. Maybe you’re still growing

  2. I actually have the same issue for past couple of years and it came out of nowhere. It gets red super easily/skin gets damaged.

    Never had this issue and am also STD free.

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