I left school at 15-16 (can’t quite remember when in the year) when I left the uk due to insane family circumstances and haven’t done anything but play games and watch tv/anime all day since then due to extreme depression.

I am moving back to live with my brother in London and hopefully get my life in order but he’s stated he can only accommodate me for 2-3 months right now, so I need to get a job ASAP.

How can I get a job in London despite having literally nothing to put on a CV? I am willing to work ANY job that will accept me.

  1. **For specific questions about London, you can also visit /r/London.**

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  2. Plenty of jobs at minimum wage in fast food or warehousing. Problem is living in London on minimum wage.

  3. Hospitality was crying out for staff last I was aware – have a look at some hotels and restaurants.

    In my experience, the hours are long and the money’s not great but you’ll be earning.

  4. You may want to try volunteer work or look for a job that requires no skills i.e. kitchen porter, cleaner or warehouse operative. The disadvantage you have is an empty CV and no references so you are going to have to start at the bottom with *any* job for a basis. Some volunteer work may be available from charities for short-term unpaid work.

  5. How about volunteering for a charity first while you’re looking – that way you’d have something to put on your cv and a reference

  6. Warehouse work

    Fast food places



    No qualifications required for any of the above roles

  7. Get on a building site. Labouring to start until you learn a few things, then segway into a trade. I had pretty poor qualifications, now I’m a manager on a building site earning good money. It can be done, also helps if you know someone who can get you in the door.

    A lot of the time it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

  8. You could probably get a job in 3 minutes if you present yourself at a London airport and say “I love wanging suitcases around”.

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